I am using react-grid-layout to make drag-drop and resize components
, So i am able to achieve the functionality as mentioned in the doc.
My Issue
{ {i: 'a', x: 0, y: 0, w: 1, h: 2}
In static Ui with predefined layout I did like below.
const layout = [
{ i: "a", x: 0, y: 0, w: 2, h: 1 },
{ i: "b", x: 2, y: 0, w: 2, h: 1 },
{ i: "c", x: 4, y: 0, w: 2, h: 1 },
{ i: "d", x: 6, y: 0, w: 2, h: 1 },
{ i: "e", x: 0, y: 2, w: 2, h: 1 }
<div className="App">
style={{ backgroundColor: "blue" }}
{layout.map((li) => (
<div key={li.i} style={{ backgroundColor: "yellow" }}>
This is working fine, But here the layout I have defined is static, So for this I searched and got one example with dynamic height and width, which is creating a dynamic layout.
But that is creating the layout with just random numbers which is not showing up with my UI (as per my use), This is what I found out in library for dynamic UI
What I am trying to do
I have this data as in my state
const [data1, setData] = useState({
EmpData: [
empId: 11,
lay1: { i: 'a' },
data: [
firstName: 'Steve',
lastName: 'Smith',
firstName: 'Michel',
lastName: 'Muner',
empId: 12,
lay1: { i: 'b' },
data: [
firstName: 'Charles',
lastName: 'Johnsen',
firstName: 'Glen',
lastName: 'Tyson',
empId: 13,
lay1: { i: 'c' },
data: [
firstName: 'Steve',
lastName: 'Smith',
firstName: 'Michel',
lastName: 'Muner',
empId: 14,
lay1: { i: 'd' },
data: [
firstName: 'Steve',
lastName: 'Smith',
firstName: 'Michel',
lastName: 'Muner',
empId: 15,
lay1: { i: 'e' },
data: [
firstName: 'Steve',
lastName: 'Smith',
firstName: 'Michel',
lastName: 'Muner',
By above data I am creating Ui as per my need
return data1.EmpData.map((li, index) => (
<div key={index.toString()} data-grid={index}"> </div> //what should I pass here as key and layout that I am not getting
{li.data.map((l) => (
Passing key
and creating dynamic layout
is where I am not able to figure out how can I achieve this, as this is totally new thing to me.
My UI is totally dynamic Every time I am going to get dynamic data so that much cards or divs I need to show.
Here is my code sand box what I am trying to do dynamically
Edit / Update
The answer I got from @Daniil Loban
is very helpfull, but when I am trying to loop with my real time data it is looping twice, That is hapenning because my data is little bit different of what I have shown here
Actually I am not able to understand I use data1.EmpData[l.i] to get data to display when I map layout.
this line.
My data
compId: 5,
company_name: "Info",
comp_data: [
empId: 1,
empId: 2,
compId: 6,
company_name: "wipro",
comp_data: [
empId: 11,
empId: 12,
The issue
Issue is it is repeating the data, I am getting duplicate data on display
I ll explain here like company namme->companydata->employe name
this should be the perfect but what is happening is -- companyname->the in one div both employ I a, getting and in other again I am getting both ones
It should be for Info
there are two employ so in one grid one employ and in other one the other employ.
The issue is in generateDOM
this function as layout is generated perfectly but in one Layout it is repeating all then same for others, if lenght is 3 then it is creating 3 layouts which is totally fine, but inside one layout it is agian looping and showing duplicate data
I think the problem was that layout was not used, I also noticed the incorrect use of random from lodash (but this is not essential)
I use data1.EmpData[l.i]
to get data to display when I map layout
I also created a sandbox where there is a button for dynamic addition, I think this is what you wanted.
const generateDOM = () => {
// Generate items with properties from the layout, rather than pass the layout directly
const layout = generateLayout();
return _.map(layout, function (l) {
return (
<div key={l.i} data-grid={l} className="bg-success">
<div className="rounded" key="?"></div>
{data1.EmpData[l.i].data.map((l) => (
For updated question:
const generateDOM = (lo) => {
// Generate items with properties from the layout, rather than pass the layout directly
const layout = generateLayout();
return _.map(layout, function (l) {
return (
<div key={l.i} data-grid={l} className="bg-success">
{console.log(lo, l, active_menu)}
And when we render, we don't need map
, but just one call:
return (
{data1.map((d, ind) => (
<div className={ind === active_menu ? "compNameActive" : "compName"}>
<p onClick={() => compClick(ind)}>{d.company_name}</p>
<ReactGridLayout onLayoutChange={onLayoutChange} {...props}>