If I have code like so:
data class Response(
val a: String,
val b: List<String>,
val c: Int,
fun buildResponse(): Response {
val a: Mono<String> = getA()
val b: Flux<String> = getB()
val c: Mono<Int> = getC()
return Response(
a = a.blockOptional().orElseThrow(),
b = b.collectList().blockOptional().orElseThrow(),
c = c.blockOptional().orElseThrow(),
Is there a way to reactively return a Mono<Response>
instead of blocking and returning the actual Response
Sure - have a look at the Mono.zip
operator, which will allow you to combine several publishers into a single Mono. The basic Mono.zip
variants just return a tuple, but you can also specify your own class (Response
in this case) as so:
return Mono.zip(
Function { eles: Array<Any> ->
Response(eles[0] as String,
eles[1] as List<String>,
eles[2] as Int)
a, b.collectList(), c)