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Apache HTTP Client 5.0 HTTP/2 POST Example needed

I can use CURL to send a HTTP/2 POST request with a payload to the as in the following example:

"c:\Program Files\Git\mingw64\bin\curl" -v --http2 -d "arg1=param1&arg2=param2"
*   Trying
* Connected to ( port 443 (#0)
* ALPN, offering h2
* ALPN, offering http/1.1
* successfully set certificate verify locations:
*  CAfile: c:/Program Files/Git/mingw64/ssl/certs/ca-bundle.crt
*  CApath: none
* TLSv1.3 (OUT), TLS handshake, Client hello (1):
* TLSv1.3 (IN), TLS handshake, Server hello (2):
* TLSv1.2 (IN), TLS handshake, Certificate (11):
* TLSv1.2 (IN), TLS handshake, Server key exchange (12):
* TLSv1.2 (IN), TLS handshake, Server finished (14):
* TLSv1.2 (OUT), TLS handshake, Client key exchange (16):
* TLSv1.2 (OUT), TLS change cipher, Change cipher spec (1):
* TLSv1.2 (OUT), TLS handshake, Finished (20):
* TLSv1.2 (IN), TLS handshake, Finished (20):
* SSL connection using TLSv1.2 / ECDHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256
* ALPN, server accepted to use h2
* Server certificate:
*  subject:
*  start date: Dec 21 00:00:00 2020 GMT
*  expire date: Jan 19 23:59:59 2022 GMT
*  subjectAltName: host "" matched cert's ""
*  issuer: C=US; O=Amazon; OU=Server CA 1B; CN=Amazon
*  SSL certificate verify ok.
* Using HTTP2, server supports multi-use
* Connection state changed (HTTP/2 confirmed)
* Copying HTTP/2 data in stream buffer to connection buffer after upgrade: len=0
* Using Stream ID: 1 (easy handle 0x160f6b61d20)
> POST /post HTTP/2
> Host:
> user-agent: curl/7.75.0
> accept: */*
> content-length: 23
> content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
* Connection state changed (MAX_CONCURRENT_STREAMS == 128)!
* We are completely uploaded and fine
< HTTP/2 200
< date: Fri, 05 Mar 2021 16:07:51 GMT
< content-type: application/json
< content-length: 453
< server: gunicorn/19.9.0
< access-control-allow-origin: *
< access-control-allow-credentials: true
  "args": {},
  "data": "",
  "files": {},
  "form": {
    "arg1": "param1",
    "arg2": "param2"
  "headers": {
    "Accept": "*/*",
    "Content-Length": "23",
    "Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
    "Host": "",
    "User-Agent": "curl/7.75.0",
    "X-Amzn-Trace-Id": "Root=1-60425757-45ab281925b9b40e70398269"
  "json": null,
  "origin": "",
  "url": ""
* Connection #0 to host left intact

You can see it sends the arg1/arg2 parameters and they are in the echoed back response.

I would like to replicate that code in Java. I have had no luck myself doing it and cannot find an example of a HTTP/2 POST with a payload. There are some examples of GET/POST calls using HTTP/2 without a payload, and indeed I can write the code to make a request without a payload that works, but I cannot get the payload to send. If I use the same code but using HTTP/1 the payload is sent. Using BasicRequestProducer class you can give it producers (to send the request data I hope) and consumers (to consume the response) but the producer never seems to send the data.

See my other question on HTTP/2 Connection Closed for the sort of code I am using.

I have added some DEBUG to my examples and I can see the content/body being added to the request (or at least it looks to me like it is being added) so is there an issue with the correct formatting of the message?

188  [requester-dispatch-1] DEBUG com.test.HTTP2Tester  - Frame 1 >>[type=0, flags=0, streamId=1, payoad=java.nio.HeapByteBuffer[pos=0 lim=23 cap=23]]
188  [requester-dispatch-1] DEBUG com.test.HTTP2Tester  - Frame info : Frame 1 >> [type=0, flags=0, streamId=1, payoad=java.nio.HeapByteBuffer[pos=0 lim=23 cap=23]]
189  [requester-dispatch-1] DEBUG com.test.HTTP2Tester  - stream 1 frame: DATA (0x0); flags: (0x0); length: 23
189  [requester-dispatch-1] DEBUG com.test.HTTP2Tester  - Frame Payload : Frame 1 >> java.nio.HeapByteBuffer[pos=0 lim=23 cap=23]
189  [requester-dispatch-1] DEBUG com.test.HTTP2Tester  - Code=99&Message=  43 6f 64 65 3d 39 39 26 4d 65 73 73 61 67 65 3d
Goodbye           47 6f 6f 64 62 79 65

189  [requester-dispatch-1] DEBUG com.test.HTTP2Tester  - OutputFlow 0 >>0 -23 65512
190  [requester-dispatch-1] DEBUG com.test.HTTP2Tester  - OutputFlow 1 >>1 -23 65512

Can anyone give Java code to demonstrate a successful HTTP/2 POST with a payload????


  • This is the most simple form of a POST request that works the same way with HTTP/1.1 or HTTP/2 transports

    final IOReactorConfig ioReactorConfig = IOReactorConfig.custom()
    final CloseableHttpAsyncClient client = HttpAsyncClients.custom()
    final HttpHost target = new HttpHost("");
    final String requestUri = "/httpbin/post";
    final AsyncRequestProducer requestProducer = new BasicRequestProducer(Method.POST, target, requestUri,
            AsyncEntityProducers.create("stuff", ContentType.TEXT_PLAIN));
    System.out.println("Executing POST request to " + requestUri);
    final Future<Message<HttpResponse, String>> future = client.execute(
            new BasicResponseConsumer<String>(new StringAsyncEntityConsumer()),
            new FutureCallback<Message<HttpResponse, String>>() {
                public void completed(final Message<HttpResponse, String> message) {
                    System.out.println(requestUri + "->" + message.getHead().getCode());
                public void failed(final Exception ex) {
                    System.out.println(requestUri + "->" + ex);
                public void cancelled() {
                    System.out.println(requestUri + " cancelled");
    System.out.println("Shutting down");

    Here's application output including the header / context log of the session

    Executing POST request to /httpbin/post
    2021-03-07 17:10:10,379 DEBUG ex-0000000001 preparing request execution
    2021-03-07 17:10:10,390 DEBUG ex-0000000001 Cookie spec selected: strict
    2021-03-07 17:10:10,396 DEBUG ex-0000000001 Auth cache not set in the context
    2021-03-07 17:10:10,396 DEBUG ex-0000000001 target auth state: UNCHALLENGED
    2021-03-07 17:10:10,397 DEBUG ex-0000000001 proxy auth state: UNCHALLENGED
    2021-03-07 17:10:10,399 DEBUG ex-0000000001 acquiring connection with route {s}->
    2021-03-07 17:10:10,399 DEBUG ex-0000000001 acquiring endpoint (3 MINUTES)
    2021-03-07 17:10:10,401 DEBUG ex-0000000001 endpoint lease request (3 MINUTES) [route: {s}->][total available: 0; route allocated: 0 of 5; total allocated: 0 of 25]
    2021-03-07 17:10:10,406 DEBUG ex-0000000001 endpoint leased [route: {s}->][total available: 0; route allocated: 1 of 5; total allocated: 1 of 25]
    2021-03-07 17:10:10,406 DEBUG ex-0000000001 acquired ep-0000000000
    2021-03-07 17:10:10,407 DEBUG ex-0000000001 acquired endpoint ep-0000000000
    2021-03-07 17:10:10,407 DEBUG ep-0000000000 connecting endpoint (3 MINUTES)
    2021-03-07 17:10:10,408 DEBUG ep-0000000000 connecting endpoint to (3 MINUTES)
    2021-03-07 17:10:10,408 DEBUG resolving remote address
    2021-03-07 17:10:10,410 DEBUG resolved to [,]
    2021-03-07 17:10:10,410 DEBUG connecting null to (3 MINUTES)
    2021-03-07 17:10:10,722 DEBUG c-0000000000[ACTIVE][rc:c] protocol upgrade class org.apache.hc.core5.http2.impl.nio.ClientHttpProtocolNegotiator
    2021-03-07 17:10:10,723 DEBUG connected c-0000000000 />
    2021-03-07 17:10:10,725 DEBUG c-0000000000 start TLS
    2021-03-07 17:10:10,769 DEBUG ep-0000000000 connected c-0000000000
    2021-03-07 17:10:10,769 DEBUG ep-0000000000 endpoint connected
    2021-03-07 17:10:10,769 DEBUG ex-0000000001 connected to target
    2021-03-07 17:10:10,770 DEBUG ex-0000000001 route fully established
    2021-03-07 17:10:10,770 DEBUG ex-0000000001 executing POST /httpbin/post HTTP/1.1
    2021-03-07 17:10:10,771 DEBUG ep-0000000000 start execution ex-0000000001
    2021-03-07 17:10:10,771 DEBUG ep-0000000000 executing exchange ex-0000000001 over c-0000000000
    2021-03-07 17:10:10,772 DEBUG c-0000000000 RequestExecutionCommand with NORMAL priority
    2021-03-07 17:10:10,773 DEBUG c-0000000000[ACTIVE][rwc:c][ACTIVE][rw][NOT_HANDSHAKING][0][0][0] Enqueued RequestExecutionCommand with priority IMMEDIATE
    2021-03-07 17:10:10,773 DEBUG c-0000000000[ACTIVE][rw:c][ACTIVE][rw][NOT_HANDSHAKING][0][0][0] Event cleared [c]
    2021-03-07 17:10:10,775 DEBUG Enabled protocols: [TLSv1.2]
    2021-03-07 17:10:11,563 DEBUG Secure session established
    2021-03-07 17:10:11,563 DEBUG  negotiated protocol: TLSv1.2
    2021-03-07 17:10:11,564 DEBUG  negotiated cipher suite: TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384
    2021-03-07 17:10:11,565 DEBUG  peer principal:
    2021-03-07 17:10:11,565 DEBUG  peer alternative names: [,]
    2021-03-07 17:10:11,566 DEBUG  issuer principal: CN=R3, O=Let's Encrypt, C=US
    2021-03-07 17:10:11,573 DEBUG c-0000000000[ACTIVE][rw:r][ACTIVE][rw][NOT_HANDSHAKING][62][0][0] Event set [w]
    2021-03-07 17:10:11,575 DEBUG c-0000000000[ACTIVE][rw:r][ACTIVE][rw][NOT_HANDSHAKING][62][0][53] 24 bytes written
    2021-03-07 17:10:11,575 DEBUG c-0000000000[ACTIVE][rw:r][ACTIVE][r][NOT_HANDSHAKING][62][0][53] Event cleared [w]
    2021-03-07 17:10:11,606 DEBUG c-0000000000[ACTIVE][rw:r][ACTIVE][r][NOT_HANDSHAKING][62][0][53] protocol upgrade class org.apache.hc.core5.http2.impl.nio.ClientH2IOEventHandler
    2021-03-07 17:10:11,608 DEBUG c-0000000000 >> stream 0 frame: SETTINGS (0x4); flags: (0x0); length: 36
    2021-03-07 17:10:11,609 DEBUG c-0000000000[ACTIVE][rw:r][ACTIVE][r][NOT_HANDSHAKING][62][0][53] 0 bytes written
    2021-03-07 17:10:11,609 DEBUG c-0000000000[ACTIVE][rw:r][ACTIVE][rw][NOT_HANDSHAKING][62][0][53] Event set [w]
    2021-03-07 17:10:11,609 DEBUG c-0000000000[ACTIVE][rw:r][ACTIVE][rw][NOT_HANDSHAKING][62][0][53] Event set [w]
    2021-03-07 17:10:11,609 DEBUG c-0000000000 << stream 0 flow control 2147418112 -> 2147483647
    2021-03-07 17:10:11,609 DEBUG c-0000000000 << stream 0 flow control 2147483647 -> 2147483647
    2021-03-07 17:10:11,609 DEBUG c-0000000000 >> stream 0 flow control 65535 -> 65535
    2021-03-07 17:10:11,610 DEBUG c-0000000000 << stream 0 frame: SETTINGS (0x4); flags: (0x0); length: 24
    2021-03-07 17:10:11,611 DEBUG c-0000000000 >> stream 0 flow control 983041 -> 1048576
    2021-03-07 17:10:11,611 DEBUG c-0000000000[ACTIVE][rw:r][ACTIVE][rw][NOT_HANDSHAKING][62][33][53] Event set [w]
    2021-03-07 17:10:11,611 DEBUG c-0000000000[ACTIVE][rw:r][ACTIVE][rw][NOT_HANDSHAKING][62][33][53] 0 bytes read
    2021-03-07 17:10:11,611 DEBUG c-0000000000[ACTIVE][rw:r][ACTIVE][rw][NOT_HANDSHAKING][0][0][53] 0 bytes written
    2021-03-07 17:10:11,614 DEBUG c-0000000000 << stream 1 flow control 65535 -> 65535
    2021-03-07 17:10:11,614 DEBUG c-0000000000 >> stream 1 flow control 1048576 -> 1048576
    2021-03-07 17:10:11,615 DEBUG ex-0000000001 send request POST /httpbin/post HTTP/1.1, entity len 5
    2021-03-07 17:10:11,617 DEBUG c-0000000000 >> :method: POST
    2021-03-07 17:10:11,617 DEBUG c-0000000000 >> :scheme: https
    2021-03-07 17:10:11,617 DEBUG c-0000000000 >> :authority:
    2021-03-07 17:10:11,617 DEBUG c-0000000000 >> :path: /httpbin/post
    2021-03-07 17:10:11,617 DEBUG c-0000000000 >> user-agent: Apache-HttpAsyncClient/5.1-beta2-SNAPSHOT (Java/1.8.0_282)
    2021-03-07 17:10:11,617 DEBUG c-0000000000 >> content-type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
    2021-03-07 17:10:11,620 DEBUG c-0000000000[ACTIVE][rw:r][ACTIVE][rw][NOT_HANDSHAKING][0][0][53] Event set [w]
    2021-03-07 17:10:11,620 DEBUG ex-0000000001 produce request data
    2021-03-07 17:10:11,620 DEBUG ex-0000000001 produce request data, len 5 bytes
    2021-03-07 17:10:11,621 DEBUG c-0000000000[ACTIVE][rw:w][ACTIVE][rw][NOT_HANDSHAKING][0][0][74] 45 bytes written
    2021-03-07 17:10:11,621 DEBUG c-0000000000 >> stream 0 frame: WINDOW_UPDATE (0x8); flags: (0x0); length: 4
    2021-03-07 17:10:11,621 DEBUG c-0000000000[ACTIVE][rw:w][ACTIVE][rw][NOT_HANDSHAKING][0][0][74] 0 bytes written
    2021-03-07 17:10:11,621 DEBUG ex-0000000001 produce request data
    2021-03-07 17:10:11,621 DEBUG ex-0000000001 produce request data, len 5 bytes
    2021-03-07 17:10:11,622 DEBUG c-0000000000[ACTIVE][rw:w][ACTIVE][rw][NOT_HANDSHAKING][0][0][42] 13 bytes written
    2021-03-07 17:10:11,622 DEBUG c-0000000000 >> stream 0 frame: SETTINGS (0x4); flags: ACK (0x1); length: 0
    2021-03-07 17:10:11,622 DEBUG c-0000000000[ACTIVE][rw:w][ACTIVE][rw][NOT_HANDSHAKING][0][0][42] 0 bytes written
    2021-03-07 17:10:11,622 DEBUG ex-0000000001 produce request data
    2021-03-07 17:10:11,622 DEBUG ex-0000000001 produce request data, len 5 bytes
    2021-03-07 17:10:11,622 DEBUG c-0000000000[ACTIVE][rw:w][ACTIVE][rw][NOT_HANDSHAKING][0][0][38] 9 bytes written
    2021-03-07 17:10:11,623 DEBUG c-0000000000 >> stream 1 frame: HEADERS (0x1); flags: END_HEADERS (0x4); length: 93
    2021-03-07 17:10:11,623 DEBUG c-0000000000[ACTIVE][rw:w][ACTIVE][rw][NOT_HANDSHAKING][0][0][38] 0 bytes written
    2021-03-07 17:10:11,623 DEBUG ex-0000000001 produce request data
    2021-03-07 17:10:11,623 DEBUG ex-0000000001 produce request data, len 5 bytes
    2021-03-07 17:10:11,623 DEBUG c-0000000000[ACTIVE][rw:w][ACTIVE][rw][NOT_HANDSHAKING][0][0][131] 102 bytes written
    2021-03-07 17:10:11,623 DEBUG ex-0000000001 produce request data
    2021-03-07 17:10:11,623 DEBUG ex-0000000001 produce request data, len 5 bytes
    2021-03-07 17:10:11,623 DEBUG c-0000000000 >> stream 1 frame: DATA (0x0); flags: (0x0); length: 5
    2021-03-07 17:10:11,624 DEBUG c-0000000000 >> stream 0 flow control -5 -> 1048571
    2021-03-07 17:10:11,624 DEBUG c-0000000000 >> stream 1 flow control -5 -> 1048571
    2021-03-07 17:10:11,624 DEBUG c-0000000000[ACTIVE][rw:w][ACTIVE][rw][NOT_HANDSHAKING][0][0][131] 0 bytes written
    2021-03-07 17:10:11,624 DEBUG c-0000000000[ACTIVE][rw:w][ACTIVE][rw][NOT_HANDSHAKING][0][0][131] Event set [w]
    2021-03-07 17:10:11,624 DEBUG ex-0000000001 end of request data
    2021-03-07 17:10:11,624 DEBUG c-0000000000[ACTIVE][rw:w][ACTIVE][rw][NOT_HANDSHAKING][0][0][131] Event set [w]
    2021-03-07 17:10:11,624 DEBUG c-0000000000[ACTIVE][rw:w][ACTIVE][rw][NOT_HANDSHAKING][0][0][43] 14 bytes written
    2021-03-07 17:10:11,624 DEBUG c-0000000000 >> stream 1 frame: DATA (0x0); flags: END_STREAM (0x1); length: 0
    2021-03-07 17:10:11,624 DEBUG c-0000000000[ACTIVE][rw:w][ACTIVE][rw][NOT_HANDSHAKING][0][0][43] 0 bytes written
    2021-03-07 17:10:11,625 DEBUG c-0000000000[ACTIVE][rw:w][ACTIVE][rw][NOT_HANDSHAKING][0][0][38] 9 bytes written
    2021-03-07 17:10:11,625 DEBUG c-0000000000[ACTIVE][rw:w][ACTIVE][r][NOT_HANDSHAKING][0][0][38] Event cleared [w]
    2021-03-07 17:10:11,968 DEBUG c-0000000000 << stream 0 frame: SETTINGS (0x4); flags: ACK (0x1); length: 0
    2021-03-07 17:10:11,969 DEBUG c-0000000000[ACTIVE][rw:r][ACTIVE][rw][NOT_HANDSHAKING][38][9][0] Event set [w]
    2021-03-07 17:10:11,969 DEBUG c-0000000000[ACTIVE][rw:r][ACTIVE][rw][NOT_HANDSHAKING][38][9][0] 0 bytes read
    2021-03-07 17:10:11,970 DEBUG c-0000000000 << stream 1 frame: HEADERS (0x1); flags: END_HEADERS (0x4); length: 231
    2021-03-07 17:10:11,971 DEBUG c-0000000000 << :status: 200
    2021-03-07 17:10:11,971 DEBUG c-0000000000 << date: Sun, 07 Mar 2021 16:10:11 GMT
    2021-03-07 17:10:11,971 DEBUG c-0000000000 << content-type: application/json
    2021-03-07 17:10:11,971 DEBUG c-0000000000 << content-length: 382
    2021-03-07 17:10:11,971 DEBUG c-0000000000 << access-control-allow-origin: *
    2021-03-07 17:10:11,971 DEBUG c-0000000000 << access-control-allow-credentials: true
    2021-03-07 17:10:11,971 DEBUG c-0000000000 << x-backend-header-rtt: 0.003465
    2021-03-07 17:10:11,971 DEBUG c-0000000000 << strict-transport-security: max-age=31536000
    2021-03-07 17:10:11,971 DEBUG c-0000000000 << server: nghttpx
    2021-03-07 17:10:11,971 DEBUG c-0000000000 << via: 1.1 nghttpx
    2021-03-07 17:10:11,971 DEBUG c-0000000000 << alt-svc: h3-29=":443"; ma=3600
    2021-03-07 17:10:11,972 DEBUG c-0000000000 << x-frame-options: SAMEORIGIN
    2021-03-07 17:10:11,972 DEBUG c-0000000000 << x-xss-protection: 1; mode=block
    2021-03-07 17:10:11,972 DEBUG c-0000000000 << x-content-type-options: nosniff
    2021-03-07 17:10:11,975 DEBUG ex-0000000001 consume response HTTP/2.0 200 OK, entity len -1
    2021-03-07 17:10:11,978 DEBUG c-0000000000 << stream 1 frame: DATA (0x0); flags: END_STREAM (0x1); length: 382
    2021-03-07 17:10:11,979 DEBUG c-0000000000 << stream 1 flow control -382 -> 65153
    2021-03-07 17:10:11,979 DEBUG c-0000000000 << stream 0 flow control -382 -> 2147483265
    2021-03-07 17:10:11,979 DEBUG ex-0000000001 consume response data, len 382 bytes
    2021-03-07 17:10:11,979 DEBUG ex-0000000001 end of response data
    Shutting down
      "args": {}, 
      "data": "stuff", 
      "files": {}, 
      "form": {}, 
      "headers": {
        "Content-Type": "text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1", 
        "Host": "", 
        "Transfer-Encoding": "chunked", 
        "User-Agent": "Apache-HttpAsyncClient/5.1-beta2-SNAPSHOT (Java/1.8.0_282)"
      "json": null, 
      "origin": "", 
      "url": ""
    2021-03-07 17:10:11,980 DEBUG ex-0000000001 message exchange successfully completed
    2021-03-07 17:10:11,980 DEBUG ep-0000000000 releasing valid endpoint
    2021-03-07 17:10:11,980 DEBUG Shutdown GRACEFUL
    2021-03-07 17:10:11,981 DEBUG ep-0000000000 releasing endpoint
    2021-03-07 17:10:11,981 DEBUG ep-0000000000 connection c-0000000000 can be kept alive for 3 MINUTES
    2021-03-07 17:10:11,982 DEBUG ep-0000000000 connection released [route: {s}->][total available: 1; route allocated: 1 of 5; total allocated: 1 of 25]
    2021-03-07 17:10:11,982 DEBUG c-0000000000[ACTIVE][rw:r][ACTIVE][rw][NOT_HANDSHAKING][698][631][0] Event set [w]
    2021-03-07 17:10:11,982 DEBUG c-0000000000[ACTIVE][rw:r][ACTIVE][rw][NOT_HANDSHAKING][698][631][0] 0 bytes read
    2021-03-07 17:10:11,982 DEBUG c-0000000000[ACTIVE][r:r][ACTIVE][r][NOT_HANDSHAKING][0][0][0] Event cleared [w]
    2021-03-07 17:10:11,983 DEBUG c-0000000000[ACTIVE][rw:r][ACTIVE][rw][NOT_HANDSHAKING][0][0][0] Enqueued ShutdownCommand with priority IMMEDIATE
    2021-03-07 17:10:11,983 DEBUG c-0000000000[ACTIVE][r:w][ACTIVE][r][NOT_HANDSHAKING][0][0][0] Event cleared [w]
    2021-03-07 17:10:11,984 DEBUG c-0000000000 >> stream 0 frame: GOAWAY (0x7); flags: (0x0); length: 25
    2021-03-07 17:10:11,985 DEBUG c-0000000000[ACTIVE][r:w][ACTIVE][r][NOT_HANDSHAKING][0][0][63] 34 bytes written
    2021-03-07 17:10:11,985 DEBUG c-0000000000[ACTIVE][rw:w][ACTIVE][rw][NOT_HANDSHAKING][0][0][63] Event set [w]
    2021-03-07 17:10:11,985 DEBUG c-0000000000[ACTIVE][rw:w][ACTIVE][rw][NOT_HANDSHAKING][0][0][63] Close GRACEFUL
    2021-03-07 17:10:12,275 DEBUG Shutdown connection pool GRACEFUL
    2021-03-07 17:10:12,275 DEBUG c-0000000000 Shutdown connection GRACEFUL
    2021-03-07 17:10:12,275 DEBUG Connection pool shut down