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Waiting for a page to load - Cypress

I'm having an issue as the page is not fully loaded. I tried the cy.wait(1000) method, which I do believe is not a good solution, but still not working, the page is not fully loaded.

Here is the website that I'm trying to test The code is in the file homePage.js.

class HomePage {
  static loadHomePage() {
    cy.visit(Cypress.env('url') + '.ie/');

  static acceptCookies() {

export default HomePage

code in the file homePage.spec.js

import HomePage from '../pageObjects/homePage'

describe('Home Page Test', function () {
    it('Home Page TC', function () {

    it('Accepting Cookies TC', function () {


Here is a print screen from the test:

enter image description here


  • To make sure the page has loaded successfully, you can assert any element to be visible. Since after page load you're clicking the accept cookie button I would suggest to assert the same as visible, something like:

    class HomePage {
      static loadHomePage() {
        cy.visit(Cypress.env('url') + '.ie/');
        cy.get('[class*=qa-consent-agree-btn]', {
          timeout: 5000
        }).should('be.visible') //Make sure Cookie Accept button is visible with timeout of 5 seconds. You can increase timeout as required.     
        static acceptCookies() {
      export default HomePage