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QT Quick or C++ Checking for valid email input (email format validator)

Please I am trying to write a code that checks whether a users input is a valid input or not in QT quick.

I want it to check and if it does not fulfill the usual email format not allow user to submit but notify him that the email is wrong.

I have seen samples for php and some c++ but from my experience, I cannot really work in qt quick the way I would when using Qt C++ line edit methods so was wondering if anyone has tried this out.

Thanks in advance.


  • Use this EMail validation javascript code

    function validateForm(email)
      var atpos=email.indexOf("@");
      var dotpos=email.lastIndexOf(".");
      if (atpos<1 || dotpos<atpos+2 || dotpos+2>=email.length)
        //Not a valid e-mail address
        return false;

    Read this to see how you can import javascript into QML