I'm using a GWT GridPanel. I want one of the columns to wrap but nothing I've tried works. In the associated css file, I've tried:
.x-grid3-cell-inner .x-grid3-col-note {
overflow: visible; white-space: normal !important;
where note is the name of the column that I want to wrap. Didn't work. I've tried:
.x-grid3-cell {
Didn't work. I've tried:
.x-grid3-cell-inner {
cell-wrap: true;
Didn't work. Anyone have a simple solution that works?
EDIT: I also tried setting the id in the ColumnConfig like this:
ColumnConfig[] columns = new ColumnConfig[] {
new ColumnConfig("Note", "note", 130, true, null, "note"),
new ColumnConfig("Date", "date", 65, true)
ColumnConfig c = columns[0];
Then in the css I added:
#noteColumn {
overflow: visible; white-space: normal !important;
But that didn't work either.
This is a GWT-Ext widget. In the documentation there are some examples on how to wrap cell contents.
For example, use this to wrap all cell contents globally
.x-grid3-cell-inner {
overflow: visible; white-space: normal !important;
You can use setId()
method in ColumnConfig
Assigning id to ColumnConfig results in the column dom element having that ID. This is useful to apply custom css to the entire column.
If id
= note
then css rule should be:
.x-grid3-col-note {
overflow: auto; white-space: normal !important;