so im trying to do a delete function inside zenity . I managed to let the user input his desired path and then i want to display all the files that are present inside it . I found out how to do it and i know it work but no with zenity . The next window (file selection) is not poping up and my program get back to the menu. thanks here is my code.Thanks u for your help and time!
function Ddate()
zenity --info \
--title "Date and Time" \
--text "Today is $(date)"
function Dcalendar()
zenity --forms \
--title "Scheduler" \
--text "Pick a date" \
--add-calendar "Calendar" \
--add-entry "Reminder"
function Ddelete()
directory=$(zenity --entry \
--text "Enter a path" \
--title "Delete" )
if [ -z "$directory" ];then
directory=$ pwd
if [ -d "$directory" ];then
zenity --file-selection --filename=$(directory)
while true;
choice="$(zenity --height 275 --width 450 \
--list \
--title="" \
--column="Function" --column="Description" \
Date 'Display the actual date and time.' \
Calendar 'Display an interactive calendar.' \
Delete 'Let you delete a file.' \
Exit 'To quit this script.')"
case $choice in
Date) Ddate;;
Calendar) Dcalendar;;
Delete) Ddelete;;
Exit) break;;
To fix my problem, i understand the meaning behind the $? escape code . In each window $? control the ok and cancel button taking value 0 and 1 respectively. Inside my program I cleared the $? first because of the previous window , a value can be already set in, and set a variable ret to $? meaning if someone press ok or cancel it continue to the next window or goes back to the root window.
function Ddelete()
directory=$(zenity --entry \
--text "Enter a path" \
--title "Delete" )
if [ -z "$directory" ];then
directory=$ pwd
if [ -d "$directory" ];then
clear $?
Spath=$(zenity --file-selection --filename=$(directory))