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Nuxt + SurveyJS : When using nuxt generate or nuxt build - get a maximum call stack size exceeded

I have survey-vue (surveyJS) working well on dev, but when I attempt to deploy I get a maximum call stack size exceeded error when landing on a page with the survey component. I was thinking it's how I'm importing the plugin but I'm not sure.


import Vue from "vue";
import * as surveyVue from "survey-vue";



plugins: [
      src: '~/plugins/survey-vue',
      mode: 'client'


  <div id="surveyElement" class="w-full inline-block">
      <survey :survey="surveyRender" />

import * as surveyVue from "survey-vue";
export default {
  props: {
    json: {
      type: Object
    results: {
      type: Object
  data() {
    const jsonSurvey = this.json;
    const survey = new surveyVue.Model(jsonSurvey);

    // style the survey 
    var myCss = {...};
    survey.onComplete.add(survey => {
      this.result =;

    survey.css = myCss
    return {
      surveyRender: survey,
      result: []
  methods: {
    sendResults () {
      this.$emit('resultCaptured', this.result)
  created () {



  <div class="flex flex-col justify-center mx-auto w-full md:w-1/2 px-4">
    <div class="w-auto mx-auto p-4 mt-12" v-if="surveyCreated">
        <survey :json="json" :results="reportedSymptoms"></survey>

Any insight here is appreciated. Have been trying to debug this for several days to no avail.


  • Fixed: I had called my component file Survey.vue which is the same name reserved for the plugin's instance of survey. Changed my component file to SurveyComponent.vue and it resolved. Thanks @kissu for getting the wheels turning