I'm writing some integration tests using a robot. I have the robot opening a menu and it should be selecting one of the options form the menu; except the enter key seems to be ignored. The menu will open and the correct menu item is selected, but no action has been taken as it should if I hit enter. If I manually press the appropriate keys it does what is expected. If I run the robot on a non-java application the other application will respond to the enter event correctly. So I've verified that I'm sending an enter event correctly and that java menu should respond to it; but something isn't working.
I've also tried replacing the enter event with a space event (with the menu should also respond to) and got no response either.
I'm running on redhat linux with the latest sun JDK. I'm pretty sure it's not an obvious problem with my code since I've found this post describing someone who ran into the exact same problem, but it has no solution: http://www.velocityreviews.com/forums/t666100-robot-and-awt-on-linux.html
private void requestTest(String testName){
//overwrite config file with new data
overwriteFile(configFile, getCurrentConfigFile());
//close current graph
pressKeyCombo(KeyEvent.VK_CONTROL, KeyEvent.VK_F4);
//open File menu
pressKeyCombo(KeyEvent.VK_ALT, KeyEvent.VK_F);
//select the 'load defaults' option
I finally solved this. I had my robot code running in the event-dispatching thread along with the button effects. This meant that none of the buttons could respond to my robot's action until my robot completed execution.
I'm not entirely certain why this would prevent my robot from working correctly in this case. I discovered that if I removed the ctrl-F4 command that the robot would respond to the enter command, but it seems as if both commands should have been queued and executed correctly the moment the robot returned. I assume either there is a limit to the number of events queued or that I somehow ended up with a datarace between the two events. Either way by moving my robot into a separate thread I get the desired behavior.
incidentally the reason I couldn't create a SSCCE was because I tried to incorporate the robot into a button and I tried having the robot do multiple events at once; but I didn't try a button spawning a robot doing multiple events. To recreate this issue I would have ended up with code just as complex as my original code.