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How to convert WGS84 coordinate to UTM?

How can I convert geo coordinates from WGS 84 to UTM using JavaScript?

I tried using proj4js, but it yields these coordinates: 32U 5114272 1633427, whereas external sources tell us, that 32U 688260 5338516 would be correct.


  • You probably got confused with Lon/Lat. If you set Lon (x) to 11... and Lat (y) to 48..., then everything works as expected.

    proj4.defs("EPSG:32632","+proj=utm +zone=32"); //
    const sourceProj = new proj4.Proj('WGS84');
    const destProj = new proj4.Proj('EPSG:32632');
    function calc() {
      const x = parseFloat(document.getElementById('srcX').value)
      const y = parseFloat(document.getElementById('srcY').value)
      const p = new proj4.Point(x, y);
      const r = proj4.transform(sourceProj, destProj, p);
      document.getElementById('tgtX').value = r.x
      document.getElementById('tgtY').value = r.y
      console.log(x, y, p, r, r.x, r.y)
    <script src=""></script>
    From WGS84
    Lon: <input type="number" id="srcX" value="11.532256" onchange="calc()"/>°
    Lat: <input type="number" id="srcY" value="48.171974" onchange="calc()"/>°
    To UTM 32U
    X  : <input type="number" id="tgtX" value="" readonly/>
    Y  : <input type="number" id="tgtY" value="" readonly/>