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The OrderReferenceId C01-9737628-XXXXXX is invalid

We're integrating our solution to AmazonPay.

I'm trying to "GetOrderReferenceDetails" using dotnet SDK but I'm getting this response: "The OrderReferenceId C01-9737628-XXXXXX is invalid".

I grabbed the AmazonOrderReferenceId like so:

//Front end
onOrderReferenceCreate: function (orderReference) {
            var id = orderReference.getAmazonOrderReferenceId();

which returns something like "C01-9737628-XXXXXX".

The environment is sandbox.

This is the code I'm using to get the detail on server side:

var getOrdDetailReq = new GetOrderReferenceDetailsRequest()

        var getOrdDetailRes = client.GetOrderReferenceDetails(getOrdDetailReq);

My intent is to accomplish an one time payment.

Am I missing something?


  • References starting with "C01-..." are billing agreements for recurring payments. To get an order reference you want to start a one time payment.

    To create an authorization based on a billing agreement, you have to use the AuthorizeOnBillingAgreement call (