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Redux useSelect doesn't get updated as expected

I’m working on a little proof of concept project, using React and Redux, and useSelector and useDispatch hooks. I’m trying to fetch some data asynchronously and I use thunks for that. I think I'm conceptually missing something. Even though my state works as expected, I can not get my data from api using useSelector.

Here is the code. My action:

import axios from "axios";


export const fetchPosts = (postId) => { // to simulate post request
    return (dispatch) => {

        let baseUrl = '';
        let postFix = 'comments?postId=';
        let url = `${baseUrl}${postFix}${postId}`;

            .then(response => {
                const data =;
                console.log(JSON.stringify(data)); // work!

const fetchPostsSuccess = posts => {
    return {
        type: API_FETCH_POSTS,
        payload: posts

My reducer:

import {API_FETCH_POSTS} from "./apiActions";

const initialState = {
    getPostsReq : {
        posts: [],

const apiReducer = (state = initialState, action) => {
    let getPostsReq;
    switch (action.type) {
        case API_FETCH_POSTS:
            getPostsReq = {
                posts: [...state.getPostsReq.posts]

            return {
        default: return state;

export default apiReducer;

And rootReducer:

import {combineReducers} from 'redux';
import apiReducer from "./api/apiReducer";

export default combineReducers({
    api: apiReducer

And store:

const initialState = {};

const store = createStore(

export default store;

I have a problem with my React component:

function PostContainer(props) {
    const posts = useSelector(state => state.api.getPostsReq.posts);
    const dispatch = useDispatch();

    const logPosts = () => {
        {/*why doesn't this line work???*/}

    return (
            <button onClick={() => {
            }}>Fetch Posts</button>

                {/*why doesn't this line work???*/}
                { => <p>{post.body}</p>)}

export default PostContainer;

I expect that after I press the button, the function fetchPosts gets dispatched and because I use thunk I shouldn’t have any problems with asynchronicity. But by some reason I can’t get my state, using useSelector() hook. I can neither render the state, nor log it in the console.

What am I missing here?

Here is the whole code if it is more convenient -


  • Problem: Not Storing Posts

    Your selector is fine, it's your reducer that's the problem! You dispatch an action which has an array of posts in the payload:

    const fetchPostsSuccess = posts => {
        return {
            type: API_FETCH_POSTS,
            payload: posts

    But when you respond to this action in the reducer, you completely ignore the payload and instead just return the same posts that you already had:

    const apiReducer = (state = initialState, action) => {
        let getPostsReq;
        switch (action.type) {
            case API_FETCH_POSTS:
                getPostsReq = {
                    posts: [...state.getPostsReq.posts]
                return {
            default: return state;

    Solution: Add Posts from Action

    You can rewrite your reducer like this to append the posts using Redux immutable update patterns.

    const apiReducer = (state = initialState, action) => {
      switch (action.type) {
        case API_FETCH_POSTS:
          return {
            getPostsReq: {
                posts: [...state.getPostsReq.posts, ...action.payload]
          return state;

    It's a lot easier if you use Redux Toolkit! With the toolkit you can "mutate" the draft state in your reducers, so we don't need to copy everything.

    const apiReducer = createReducer(initialState, {
      [API_FETCH_POSTS]: (state, action) => {
        // use ... to push individual items separately