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Get proper term of person life using gmtime()

I'm trying to calculate exact age of person using difference between now and the date of birth. I'm getting difference in seconds, which, I suppose is correct value. Then i'd like to convert seconds into struct tm, using gmtime(). But it is giving me a tm_year on 70 bigger than it must be, and tm_mday on 1 bigger than must be. It seems to be clear about tm_mday- the range of it is from 1 to 31, I can just subtract 1 from, whereas tm_year is the years from 1900. OK, so why does gmtime() give me +70 years?

#include <iostream>
#include <ctime>
using namespace std;

int main() {
int min,h,d,m,y;
struct tm bd = {0};
cout << "Enter birth date in the format: hh:min/"<<endl;
bd.tm_year = y-1900;
bd.tm_mon = m-1;
bd.tm_mday = d;
bd.tm_hour = h;
bd.tm_min = min;

time_t now = time(NULL);
cout << "NOW: "<<now<<" BD: "<<mktime(&bd)<<endl;
time_t seconds = difftime(now,mktime(&bd));//(end,beginning)
cout <<"seconds elapsed: "<< seconds<<endl;
struct tm * age;
age = gmtime (&seconds);
cout << "year" << age->tm_year << endl;
cout << "mon" << age->tm_mon << endl;
cout << "mday" << age->tm_mday << endl;
cout << "hour" << age->tm_hour << endl;
cout << "min" << age->tm_min << endl;
cout << "sec" << age->tm_sec << endl;



Enter birth date in the format: hh:min/
NOW: 1614853702 BD: 1614853680
seconds elapsed: 22
year  70
mon   0
mday  1
hour  0
min   0
sec   22


  • It is translating "unix epoch time", which is seconds since 1970, to a date.

    It is not converting seconds to an amount of days/months/years. There is fundamentally no such conversion. 30 days can be less than or more than a month. 365 days can be a year, or 1 day less than a year. 24 times 60 times 60 seconds can be less than a day when a leap second happens.

    Seconds after a point in time is a date. But seconds does not uniquely map to a number of days/months/years.

    Find the two points in time - dates - and compare/subtract components to do that.