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Java and XML: How to get list of included files

I have problem with by Xinclude or as an entity included files. I need to know, which files have been included by parser. Example:

<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<!DOCTYPE docBookChapter [
    <!ENTITY externalFile SYSTEM "entityIncluded.xml">
<chapter xmlns=""
    <title>Third chapter</title>
    <xi:include href="xIncluded.xml"/>
The parser creates DOM successfully, but how to get names of files included? The element xi:include is already replaced with content of file.


  • Extend DefaultHandler and @Overwrite the resolveEntity method. Your implementation will simply print or log the publicId/systemId and return null, so the SAXParser will use the default behaviour to resolve the entities.

    Pass your DefaultHandler subclass with the SAXParser constructor.