In my current project, there is a situation where we have one file let's say "File1.cfg" in project explorer. There is a default editor "Editor 1" registered using "*.editors" extension.
Requirement Function:
How can this be achieved in the Eclipse?
A plug-in can specify the editor id to be used when opening an editor. See IWorkbenchPage.openEditor
and IDE.openEditor
Normally these APIs check for an editor (of any id) already being open on the file. If you want to force the editor with the given id to open regardless you need to use the IWorkbenchPage
IEditorPart openEditor(IEditorInput input, String editorId, boolean activate,
int matchFlags)
with the matchFlags
value set to:
IWorkbenchPage.MATCH_ID | IWorkbenchPage.MATCH_INPUT
to only match an existing editor with the same id and input.