I want to sum the numbers and print them out in the span, i tried with innerHTML but as it is a string i can't, i tried parseInt, parseFloat, Number and nothing. For all the checkbox checked i want the sum of it's values into the span and those who are not checked i don't want them to get summ in the span
(i reduced the table and a lot of numbers because it's so long for putting it in here, so imagine that i want to sum a lot of total numbers)
const offersCheckbox = document.querySelectorAll("#checkbox-offers");
const recalculateText = document.querySelector(".recalculate-text");
const checkboxTotal = document.querySelectorAll("#checkbox-total");
let total = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < offersCheckbox.length; i++) {
offersCheckbox[i].addEventListener("click", (e) => {
if (offersCheckbox[i].checked === true) {
recalculateText.innerHTML = "recalculate invoice total";
} else {
recalculateText.innerHTML = "";
<input type="checkbox" name="checkbox" id="checkbox-offers" value="2,434.38" />
<div class="price-container text-bold" id="checkbox-total">
<input type="checkbox" name="checkbox" id="checkbox-offers" value="76.69" />
<div class="price-container text-bold" id="checkbox-total">
<span class="recalculate-text text-right text-underline"></span>
I didnt change too much from your original code. See the comments to understand the changes I made and feel free to comment if you have additional questions.
const recalculateText = document.querySelector(".recalculate-text");
const checkboxContainer = document.querySelector("#checkbox-container");
let total = 0;
// Create a number formatter to print out on the UI - this is a better approach than regex IMO.
const formatter = new Intl.NumberFormat('en-US', {
style: 'currency',
currency: 'USD'
//Notice the use of event delegation here - meaning I only added 1 single event handler to a single DOM element
//Read this blog for more on event delegation and why it's useful: https://davidwalsh.name/event-delegate
checkboxContainer.addEventListener('change', e => {
//Also notice that I am listening for the change event, instead of the click event.
//See here: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/HTMLElement/change_event
if (e.target.tagName == "INPUT") {
const floatValue = parseFloat(e.target.value);
if (e.target.checked) {
total += floatValue;
} else {
total -= floatValue;
recalculateText.innerHTML = formatter.format(total);
<!-- Notice I added a parent div to enable use to use event delegation technique -->
<!-- Also notice I removed element id attributes where they were not needed. Also be sure
to always use unique id values for every element - duplicate ids are not allowed, it will
lead to bugs. If elements need to be considered part of the same "group" then you should use
the class attribute. -->
<div id="checkbox-container">
<!-- Notice I removed the comma from the value attribute -->
<input type="checkbox" name="checkbox" value="2434.38" />
<div class="price-container text-bold">
<input type="checkbox" name="checkbox" value="76.69" />
<div class="price-container text-bold">
<span class="recalculate-text text-right text-underline"></span>