I have a fieldset containing multiple buttons with the same fixed width. In a row/line it should fit as many buttons as possible. However during the linebreak it will cause a big white-space.
I tried display: flex;
in combination with flex-wrap
. However the white-space remains or the box overflows
Also I tried css-grid by using grid-template-columns: repeat(auto-fit, minmax(10em, 1fr));
which doesn't work either.
Anybody else with an idea how to size either size the box to the content to not leave a white-space or to size the buttons to fill up all the space without breaking the box max-width and fit as many as possible?
I know why the white space there, but I can't figure out how to remove it. I'm aware that it possibly requires Javascript. However related questions on SO mentioned this aswell but where unable to eleborate a Javascript solution to be understandable/reproduciable.
div {
max-width: 80%;
width: 10em;
If the sizes are fixed here is an idea using CSS grid. The trick is that we define a grid using a repetition of the button width and we make the fieldset take all the columns. This will for it to have a width equal to a N*width of button
where N
is dynamic and depend on the screen size
div.box {
/*0.75em is the default padding of fieldset */
grid-template-columns:0.75em repeat(auto-fit,10em) calc(0.75em + 4px);
fieldset {
width: 10em;
font-size:14px; /* define the font-size to avoid the default one*/
margin-right:4px; /* same as gap */
<div class="box">