I need to parse math formula with condition at run time in C#. For example
string code = "1+ 1 + 1*1 * ((5+4==8)?2:0 )";
int value = int.parse(code); // value should be 2
I was able to parse math formula without any ternary operator. Im having problem with the ternary operator: string code = "1+ 1 + 1*1 * ((5+4==8)?2:0 )";
Any help would be appreciated
@Rand Random, @Charlieface
First of all, if you come across a question in a language you don't know, I recommend you to skip it. Do not create invalid claims!
int.parse(); is used to convert a string integer to an integer value.
But clearly in this case this line =>
int value = int.parse(code); // value should be 2
case's an error, (because code is not an integer)
And to do what I was asking u don't need a compiler. I actually did it without it!!
using static System.Math;
using Project = System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
class YesICanWithoutACompiler
static void Main(string[] args)
string code = "1+ 1 + 1*1 * (((((((3!=63))?(2==4?5:1):7))==8)?2:(4==6?7:3) ))";
string formula = getFormular(code); // outputs: 1+ 1 + 1*1 * (3)
Console.WriteLine("yes I can!: " + new System.Data.DataTable().Compute(formula, ""));
static int IndexOfAny(string source, string[] items, int startat = 0)
List<int> indexes = new List<int>();
for (int f = 0; f < items.Length; f++)
int loo = source.IndexOf(items[f], startat);
if (loo != -1)
if (indexes.Count > 0)
return indexes.Min();
return -1;
static bool conditoin(int x, string mark, int y)
switch (mark)
case "!=":
return (x != y);
case "==": return (x == y);
case ">=": return (x >= y);
case "<=": return (x <= y);
default: return false;
static string getFormular(string code)
int ind = IndexOfAny(code, new string[] { "==", ">=", "<=", "!=" });
while (ind != -1)
int condition1 = int.Parse(string.Join("", code.Substring(0, ind).Reverse().SkipWhile(c => !char.IsDigit(c)).TakeWhile(d => char.IsDigit(d))));
string conditioin = code.Substring(ind, 2);
int condition2 = int.Parse(string.Join("", code.Substring(ind + 2).TakeWhile(d => char.IsDigit(d))));
string arvo = "";
if (conditoin(condition1, conditioin, condition2))
arvo = code.Substring(1 + code.IndexOf("?", ind + 2)).Trim();
if (arvo.StartsWith("("))
int ndent = 1;
int h = 0;
while (h < arvo.Length && ndent != 0)
if (arvo[h] == ')') ndent--;
if (arvo[h] == '(') ndent++;
arvo = arvo.Substring(0, h + 1);
arvo = string.Join("", arvo.TakeWhile(s => s != ':'));
arvo = code.Substring(1 + code.IndexOf(":", ind + 2)).Trim();
if (arvo.StartsWith("("))
int ndent = 1;
int h = 0;
while (h < arvo.Length && ndent != 0)
if (arvo[h] == ')') ndent--;
if (arvo[h] == '(') ndent++;
arvo = arvo.Substring(0, h + 1);
arvo = string.Join("", arvo.TakeWhile(s => s != ')'));
int f = code.IndexOf("?", ind);
int indent = 0;
while (f > 0 && indent != -1)
if (code[f] == ')') indent++;
if (code[f] == '(') indent--;
int t = f;
indent = 1;
while (t < code.Length && indent != 0)
if (code[t] == ')') indent--;
if (code[t] == '(') indent++;
code = code.Remove(f, (t - f) + 1).Insert(f, arvo);
ind = IndexOfAny(code, new string[] { "==", ">=", "<=", "!=" });
return code;