I need to rename a table column giving it a new name that is selected from another table, like this (I'm using a fake code to let you understand):
Alter table CUSTOMERS
Rename column OCCUPATION to (select ITA_NAME from TAGS where ENG_NAME = 'occupation')
Is it possible?
It does not seem like a wise thing to want to do but you can use dynamic SQL
l_new_column_name varchar2(30);
select ITA_NAME
into l_new_column_name
from TAGS
where ENG_NAME = 'occupation';
execute immediate 'Alter table CUSTOMERS ' ||
' Rename column OCCUPATION to ' || l_new_column_name;
Note that this code does nothing to prevent SQL injection attacks. You'd probably want to at least use the dbms_assert
package to ensure that l_new_column_name
doesn't contain anything malicious.