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SQL/Oracle: Is it possible to have a group function in a check constraint?

My Tables are:

                          svn      INTEGER,
                          campid   INTEGER,
                          tentname VARCHAR(4),
                          CONSTRAINT member_fk_svn FOREIGN KEY (svn) REFERENCES people,
                          CONSTRAINT member_fk_campid FOREIGN KEY (campid) REFERENCES camp ON
             DELETE CASCADE,
                    CONSTRAINT member_pk PRIMARY KEY (svn, campid),
                    CONSTRAINT member_fk_tentname FOREIGN KEY (tentname) REFERENCES tent,
                    CONSTRAINT check_teilnehmer_zelt CHECK (Count(zeltname) over (PARTITION BY (zeltname
             AND    lagerid)) )<= zelt.schlafplaetze

With the last constraint, I want to check that there are not more members assigned to a tent than the capacity of it.


  • This would require a SQL assertion, which is not currently supported by Oracle (or indeed any DBMS). However, Oracle are considering adding support for these in the future (please upvote that idea!)

    Solution using a Materialized View

    Currently you may be able to implement this constraint using a materialized view (MV) with a check constraint - something I blogged about many years ago. In your case the materialized view query would be something like:

    select t.tent_id
      from tents t, members m
     where m.tent_id = t.tent_id
     group by t.tent_id
     having sum(m.num_members) > t.capacity;

    The check constraint could be:

    check (t.tent_id is null)

    The check constraint would be violated for any row returned by the materialized view, so ensures that the MV is always empty i.e. no tents exist that are over capacity.


    1. I deliberately did not use ANSI join syntax, since MVs don't tend to like it (the same join may be permitted in old syntax but not permitted in ANSI syntax). Of course feel free to try ANSI first.
    2. I haven't confirmed that this particular query is permitted in an MV with REFRESH COMPLETE ON COMMIT. The rules on what can and cannot be used vary from version to version of Oracle.
    3. Watch out for the performance impact of maintaining the MV.

    Alternative solution using a trigger

    Another way would be to add a column total_members to the tents table, and use a trigger on members to maintain that e.g.

    create trigger members_trg
      after insert or delete or update of num_members on members
      for each row
        l_total_members tents.total_members%type;
        select total_members
          into l_total_members
          from tents
         where tent_id = nvl(:new.tent_id,:old.tent_id)
           for update of total_members;
        if inserting then
          l_total_members := l_total_members + :new.num_members;
        elsif deleting then
          l_total_members := l_total_members - :old.num_members;
        elsif updating then
          l_total_members := l_total_members - :old.num_members + :new.num_members;
        end if;
        update tents
           set total_members = l_total_members 
         where tent_id = nvl(:new.tent_id,:old.tent_id);

    Then just add the check constraint:

    alter table tents add constraint tents_chk
      check (total_members <= capacity);

    By maintaining the total in the tents table, this solution serializes transactions and thus avoids the data corruption you will get with other trigger-based solutions in multi-user environments.