I am trying react-spring together with useInterval:
export default App = () => {
let [count, setCount] = useState(0);
useInterval(() => {
setCount(count + 1);
}, 1000);
const style = useSpring({
opacity: 1 - Math.random() / 10,
from: { opacity: 0 + Math.random() / 10 }
return <animated.h1 style={style}>{count}</animated.h1>;
At first, I was using
const style = useSpring({
opacity: 1,
from: { opacity: 0 }
But I thought if the virtual DOM doesn't get any diff from previous values, then it won't re-render, so I added the Math.random() / 10
to change it a little bit so that it can work, but it wouldn't fade in the number every one second except the very first one. How can it be made to work?
If you want the animation to start again you need to set the reset
const style = useSpring({
opacity: 1,
from: { opacity: 0},