can someone tell me if this is valid javascript? I know you couldnt do this sort of thing in c# but js is a much looser language..
var arrayToUse = "arr" + sender.value;
for (i = 0; i <= arrayToUse.length; i++) {
// something..
specifically - the dynamic generation of the array name..
so i have an array called arrMyArray which is initialised on document ready. sender.value = "MyArray" - but could be something else eg MyArray2
I want to dyanimcally iterate over the array that is indicated by the sender.value value.
Yes, this is entirely valid.
will be a string (regardless of the value of sender.value
— it will be converted to a string), and i
will iterate from 0
to the string's length).
One minor note: it should be for (**var** i = 0; …)
, otherwise i
will be treated as a global variable, which will almost certainly end badly if you've got multiple loops running at the same time.
Edit: you want to get the array based on the name? In that case you've got to look it up in whatever context the array is defined.
If it's a global array, use window
For example:
var arrayName = "arr" + sender.value;
var array = window[arrayName];