I am having trouble figuring out why my IF formula in VBA is not returning any of the criteria values. All I can get is the True or False value. This is what I currently have:
Cells(y, 11).Formula = "=IF((A" & y & ")+(B" & y & "))-((A" & y - 1 & ")+(B" & y - 1 & "))" > "($J$7*20),(((C" & y & ")-(C" & y - 1 & ")) * $J$7),(((A" & y & ")+(B" & y & "))-((A" & y - 1 & ")+(B" & y - 1 & ")))"
Im sure its just a type-o or I am missing some quotations somewhere but if anyone can take a look at this and find what I am missing, that would be great.
This is my whole code for better context.
Sub make_new_entry()
Dim Layer_Increment, i As Integer
Set Layer_Increment = Cells(7, 2)
y = 10 'Set this to the first row number that gets a time entered.
i = 0
Do While i = 0
If Cells(y, 1) = "" Then
add_row y
Cells(y, 1) = Format(Now(), "m/d/yy")
Cells(y, 2) = Format(Now(), "h:mm")
Cells(y, 3) = Cells(y - 1, 2) - ((Cells(y - 1, 2) - Layer_Increment * (y - 10)))
Cells(y, 8).Formula = "=($H$7*(C" & y & "))+((0.5*'Data Reference'!F2)+(0.4*'Data Reference'!F3)+(0.3*'Data Reference'!F4)+(0.2*'Data Reference'!F5)+(0.1*'Data Reference'!F6)+(0.05*'Data Reference'!F7)+(0.01*'Data Reference'!F8)+(0.001*'Data Reference'!F9))+ $H$10+$N$7"
Cells(y, 9).Formula = "=$I$10-(0.05*(C" & y & "-$C$10))"
Cells(y, 10).Formula = "=(((A" & y & ")+(B" & y & "))-((A" & y - 1 & ")+(B" & y - 1 & ")))/((C" & y & ")-(C" & y - 1 & "))"
Cells(y, 11).Formula = "=IF(A" & y & " + B" & y & ")-(A" & y - 1 & " + B" & y - 1 & ") > $J$7*20, (C" & y & " - C" & y - 1 & ") * $J$7, (A" & y & " + B" & y & ")-(A" & y - 1 & " + B" & y - 1 & ")"
Cells(7, 6).Formula = "=((130-(H" & y & "))/$H$7)-('Build Information'!$F$6-(C" & y & "))"
Cells(7, 4).Formula = "=Max(C:C)"
Cells(7, 10).Formula = "=AverageIf(J11:J" & y & ",""<00:05:00"")"
Cells(8, 11).Formula = "=Sum($K$10:(K" & y & ")"
i = 1
y = y + 1
End If
End Sub
I suggest that you:
use counter
) .Regarding your formula, here is the way I'd fix it
Cells(y, 11).Formula = "=IF((A" & y & "+B" & y & ")-(A" & y - 1 & "+B" & y - 1 & ") > $J$7*20,((C" & y & "-C" & y - 1 & ") * $J$7),((A" & y & "+B" & y & ")-(A" & y - 1 & "+B" & y - 1 & ")))"
PS To fully qualify a range use this syntax
Thisworkbook.Worksheets("Sheet1").Cells(y,11).Formula =