How to convert a big number (120 digits) from base6 to base16 in JavaScript?
parseInt (JavaScript Function) has a problem with big numbers:
var big = 43535455245242542542542545353535345;
output1 = parseInt (big, 6);
output2 = output1.toString(16);
document.write (output2);
Even services like these do not work after 27 digits:
How can this be done in JavaScript?
In modern environments, you can use BigInt
// I assume your starting point is a string
const big = "43535455245242542542542545353535345";
// Parse in base 6
const num = parseBigInt(big, 6);
// Convert to base 16 via `toString`:
const base16 = num.toString(16);
// There's no built-in parsing for base 6, so:
function parseBigInt(str, base = 10) {
if (typeof base !== "number" || isNaN(base) || base < 2 || base > 36) {
throw new Error(`parseBigInt doesn't support base ${base}`);
let num = 0n;
base = BigInt(base);
for (const digit of str) {
num *= base;
num += BigInt(parseInt(digit, 6));
return num;
In older environments, you can use a polyfill or any of several "big number" libraries.
Note: I didn't spend any time trying to make the above efficient. Just functional. :-)