I have class:
static class AnotherClass {
int number;
String isPrime;
public int getNumber() {
return number;
public String getPrime() {
return isPrime;
public void setNumber(int number) {
this.number = number;
public void setPrime(String prime) {
isPrime = prime;
and in main class i have:
List<AnotherClass> listx = new ArrayList<AnotherClass>();//just a arraylist
for (int z = 0; z < howManyQuestions; z++) {//in loop i add class with fields
AnotherClass classx = new AnotherClass();
int valuex = Integer.parseInt(keyboardkey.readLine());
classx.setNumber(valuex);//save value in this class
String answer = Check(valuex);//i just get here string answer YES NO
listx.add(classx);//and i add this two fields of class to list
INPUT: (i add value and check if it was input before) 3 4 3 OUTPUT NO NO YES How can i check if, for example value "3" is containing by list?
1 AnotherClass must implement equals() (and implement hashCode() accordingly).
2 Use method contains(Object o) from listx.