I would essentially like to create 1 rule that will fire if either of 2 facts are above a certain value, i.e. a rule with the following LHS:
(object-0 (value ?x))
(object-1 (value ?y))
(> ?x 1)
(> ?y 2)
The problem is that this won't work if one of those objects doesn't exist. This makes perfect sense because you can't operate on a variable that doesn't even exist.
I would really like to avoid splitting this into 2 separate rules, except as a last resort. Is there any way of doing this? Perhaps with some hacky (exist) statements?
CLIPS (6.31 6/12/19)
(deftemplate object-0
(slot value))
(deftemplate object-1
(slot value))
(defrule example-1
(or (object-0 (value ?x&:(> ?x 1)))
(object-1 (value ?y&:(> ?y 2))))
(defrule example-2
(or (and (object-0 (value ?x))
(test (> ?x 1)))
(and (object-1 (value ?y))
(test (> ?y 2))))
(defrule example-3
(exists (or (object-0 (value ?x&:(> ?x 1)))
(object-1 (value ?y&:(> ?y 2)))))
CLIPS> (assert (object-0 (value 3)) (object-1 (value 4)))
CLIPS> (agenda)
0 example-1: f-2
0 example-2: f-2
0 example-1: f-1
0 example-3: *
0 example-2: f-1
For a total of 5 activations.