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How to put double width and double height characters in a JTextPane?

I'm using a JTextPane to display a kind of bus ticket that uses a monospaced font. I am using StyleConstants and SimpleAttributeSetto set bold and italic text, but I would like to also use double width and height characters. I don't want to make a double-sized font, by double I mean that a character 'A' which I want to be double-width, would get stretched in width, but not in height, and vice versa for double-height, like in this image I found here.

I really don't know any method to do so and googling didn't give me an answer. Maybe a way to adjust the size of a font horizontally and vertically?


  • To adjust the size of a font to double width:

    // Input: an existing Font object called 'font'.
    final int style = Font.PLAIN;
    AffineTransform transform = new AffineTransform();
    transform.setToScale(2.0, 1.0);
    Font doubleWidthFont = font.deriveFont(style, transform);

    I haven't tried this code, so please let me know if it doesn't work exactly as written.