I'm implement AOP using Serilog to log all method call and parameters value
Here is my code:
_logger.ForContext(targetType).Information("INVOKE {@guid} {@MethodName} with parameters {@arg}", guid, invocation.Method.Name, invocation.Arguments);
However, some parameter type cannot to be log as DataTable, DataSet, Image, byte[] ...
How can I ignore these type in Serilog?
An easy solution is to tell Serilog upfront that types such as DataSet
, DataTable
, etc. should be destructured as scalar values. E.g.
Log.Logger = new LoggerConfiguration()
// ...
You can also use .Destructure.ByTransforming
or .Destructure.ByTransformingWhere
Another solution is to create a custom destructuring policy where you decide how to destructure different types:
Log.Logger = new LoggerConfiguration()
// ...
public class IgnoreSomeTypesDestructuringPolicy : IDestructuringPolicy
public bool TryDestructure(object value, ILogEventPropertyValueFactory propertyValueFactory, out LogEventPropertyValue result)
if (value is DataTable || value is DataSet /* ... */)
result = new ScalarValue(value.ToString());
return true;
result = null;
return false;