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How to set any attribute in ClientRegistration in spring oauth2

Since I cannot keep client secret in application.yml , so it's kept in vault and from there it gets resolved. However, I can see that ClientRegistration is a final class , hence it's client secret can't be set later once the bean is already initialized.

In such case how can I set secret & use new object of ClientRegistration in all the referred beans.

Something like below I am trying to achieve but don't how to set enrichedClientRegistration in webclient or other referred places.

public class WebClientConfig {

    WebClient authWebClient(ClientRegistrationRepository clientRegistrations,
                                    OAuth2AuthorizedClientRepository authorizedClients,
                                    PasswordResolver passwordResolver) {
        var clientRegistration = clientRegistrations.findByRegistrationId("myApp");"Before client secret is {}",clientRegistration.getClientSecret());
        var clientSecret = passwordResolver.resolve(clientRegistration.getClientSecret());"Resolved client secret is {}", clientSecret);
        var enrichedClientRegistration=ClientRegistration.withClientRegistration(clientRegistration)
                .build();"After client secret is {}",clientRegistrations.findByRegistrationId("myApp").getClientSecret());
        var oauth = new ServletOAuth2AuthorizedClientExchangeFilterFunction(clientRegistrations, authorizedClients);

        return WebClient.builder()


  • Since ClientRegistration is a final class which in injected into ClientRegistrationRepository, so you need completely override ClientRegistrationRepository as per example given in spring documentation.