I am trying to parse account no and balance from bank sms using java regex group. I am able to successfully parse account no but not able to get the balance as it is always getting null value maybe due to pipe
Sms I am trying to parse is :
Balances for Ac XXXXXXXX0000 on 16/12/2020 11:37:14 AM ISTTotal Avbl. Bal: INR|980310.28Avbl. Bal: INR 980310.28Linked FD bal: INR|0.0
Regex I am using is:
Balances for Ac (?groupname.+?) on 16/12/2020 11:37:14 AM ISTTotal Avbl. Bal: INR|980310.28Avbl. Bal: INR (?groupname[0-9.]+)Linked FD bal: INR|0.0
Any help would be highly appreciated!
.Try this:
INR (?<groupname>[0-9.]+)Linked FD bal: INR\\|(?<amount>[0-9.]+)