I am doing a React JS Cart and I am having problems when I try to delete an Item from the there. It has already a function that adds the items and also another for the total quantity and the total price. This is the ContextProvider:
import { useState } from "react";
import { CartContext } from "./CartContext";
export const CartProvider = ({ children }) => {
const [list, setList] = useState([]);
const addCart = (varietalCount) => {
if (list.find((item) => item.id === varietalCount.id)) {
const newVarietal = list.map((varietal) => {
if (varietal.id === varietalCount.id) {
return { ...varietal, count: varietalCount.count + varietal.count };
return varietal;
} else {
setList((state) => {
return [...state, varietalCount];
console.log("list", list);
// const deleteProd = (varietalCount) => {
// if (list.find((item) => item.id === varietalCount.id)) {
// const deleteVarietal = list.map((varietal) => {
// if (varietal.id === varietalCount.id) {
// return { ...varietal, count: null };
// }
// return varietal;
// });
// setList(deleteVarietal);
// } else {
// setList((state) => {
// return [...state, varietalCount];
// });
// }
// };
const totalPrice = () => {
return list.reduce((prev, next) => (prev + (next.count * next.price)), 0)
const totalQuantity = () => {
return list.reduce((prev, next) => (prev + (next.count)), 0)
<CartContext.Provider value={{ list, addCart, totalPrice, totalQuantity }}>
If it is necessary I can add to the post the Cart.js or the ItemDetail.js. I hope someone can help me. Cheers
I think you can just use filter given that your state has value of an array. Something like:
const deleteProd = (varietalCount) => {
const newItems = list.filter((item) => item.id !== varietalCount.id)
You can check more array functions from here https://www.w3schools.com/jsref/jsref_obj_array.asp