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Unhandled Exception: NoSuchMethodError: Class 'Response<dynamic>' has no instance method '[]'. flutter dart

When I try to parse JSON response received from restful API I get an error as Unhandled Exception: NoSuchMethodError: Class 'Response' has no instance method '[].

AuthService().addStaff(new_name, phno, uid, pasword).then((val) {

            //   if (val['result'] == "successfull") {}

addStaff calls an API and get a JSON response , when I print val value I get JSON response as this `


but when I try to parse each individual element say val['result'], I get an exception error saying Class 'Response' has no instance method '[] How can I parse each individual value from response like Name, password, phoneno, result, uploaded, user_type? I'm new to flutter dart not much familiar with REST API handling, can anyone help me to achieve this??


  • Edit: You need to parse JSON use jsonDecode()

    import 'dart:convert';
    var data = jsonDecode(val);

    jsonDecode() Documentation


    You may have not created the object properly.

    check for this type of declaration:

    Foo obj; // wronge way of creating object

    and change to this

    Foo obj = Foo(); // Corret way of creating object


    Foo obj = new Foo(); // Corret way of creating object

    PS: the new keyword is now optional in Dart.

    Original Answer link

    I hope, this is the solution you are looking for.