Recently, I am learning multi-threading and asynchronous programing in java, while I found this confusing.
To be clear about my question: Are the codes below equivalent?
If no, why? In my opinion, in the first snippet, the while loop will keep the original thread busy (meaning blocking?).
If yes, how to use asynchronous properly?
//asynchronous programing
ExecutorService threadpool = Executors.newCachedThreadPool();
Future<Long> futureTask = threadpool.submit(() -> factorial(number));
while (!futureTask.isDone()) {
System.out.println("FutureTask is not finished yet...");
long result = futureTask.get();
long result = factorial(number)
When tasks are to be executed one after the other, using asynchronous methods does not really make sense: you lose the overhead of synchronization and still have to wait for the end of the processing. Furthermore, if you use an active loop to wait for the end:
while (!futureTask.isDone()) { // active wait loop
System.out.println("FutureTask is not finished yet...");
you add even more load to the system. At least you should use a wait
method to put the current thread in a suspended mode until the other processing is finished.
But anyway, if tasks are to be executed one after the other, just call them synchronously one after the other:
other processings...
It leads to cleaner and simpler to maintain code, with no performance loss.