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UWP App crash in release mode (faulting module: Windows.UI.Xaml.dll)

My UWP app crashes directly after startup in release mode with following error in event log:

Faulting application name: MyApp.exe, version:, time stamp: 0x6037ab09 Faulting module name: Windows.UI.Xaml.dll, version: 10.0.17763.1790, time stamp: 0x05b3601b Exception code: 0xc000027b

When I install a debug build, everything's fine.


  • I'm using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging and Microsoft.Extensions.Options in Version 5.00. It turns out the native compiler ist stripping out some parts which are needed at runtime.

    I found a description and a solution in this github issue:

    So I had to add all the assemblies to Default.rd.xml located under Properties:

    <Directives xmlns="">
            <Assembly Name="*Application*" Dynamic="Required All" />
            <!-- Add your application specific runtime directives here. -->
            <Assembly Dynamic="Required All" Name="Microsoft.Extensions.Options"/>
            <Assembly Dynamic="Required All" Name="Microsoft.Extensions.Logging"/>
            <Assembly Dynamic="Required All" Name="Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions"/>
            <Assembly Dynamic="Required All" Name="Microsoft.Extensions.Hosting"/>