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Set an event on ToastButton from background task

From a UWP application I start this background task:

namespace Background.UWP
    public sealed class BackgroundTask : IBackgroundTask
        private WatchLoop _watchLoop;

        public void Run(IBackgroundTaskInstance taskInstance)
            ApplicationTriggerDetails details = taskInstance.TriggerDetails as ApplicationTriggerDetails;
            var arg = details.Arguments["MyArg"].ToString();

            // Start a loop that periodically does some checks 
            // and, if necessary, displays a toast with button "Show Details".
            _watchLoop = new WatchLoop(arg, new ToastNotification());

Class ToastNotification is defined as follows:

namespace Background.UWP
    internal class ToastNotification : IToastNotification
        public bool Show(string message)
            var button = new ToastButton()
              .AddArgument("action", "reply")

            var toast = new ToastContentBuilder();
            toast.AddArgument("action", "viewConversation")
             .AddArgument("conversationId", 9813)
            return false;

Somewhere in my WhatchLoop code I call method Show();

Now I don't know where to register the click event on button. Here I found that I have to implement OnActivated in App.xaml.cs. However, because the toast is displayed by a background task, I don't have App.xaml.cs.

What should I do?

Edit: BackgroundTask runs in a separate Windows Runtime Component.


  • I found a simple solution for my purpose:

    Just add these lines:

    Uri uri = new Uri("myapp://<application>");

    The only thing I'll have to find out is how the <application> URL has to be formed. (See this question.)