So, right now im working on another spreadsheet project and this time i want to know how to use Average Formula with Array formula to make them automatically dragdown each time a new data entered.
Here is the picture from my spreadsheet. So i want to average them from Column CH to Column CL using average formula with arrayformula.
I've tried all 'Averageif' or 'Average' and using arrayformula but it turns out '#DIV/0'
Can you guys please help me with it? Thankyou.
It's not going to work.
Average formula works on arrays so it won't change anything when you try nest it with arrayformula. For example. If you try to average 3 values from 3 columns, you could try: arrayformula(average(CH1:Ch,CI1:CI,CL1:CL)) but it will return the same result as average(CH1:Ch,CI1:CI,CL1:CL)
- an average of all values from all 3 ranges.
I suggest workaround and make average manually (sum of elements divided by it's number):
=Arrayformula( (CH1:Ch + CI1:CI +CL1:CL)/3)