I'm going to receive length delimited frame from server with QTcpSocket in this format:-
| len: u32 | frame payload |
where u32 is in 32 bit unsigned integer encoded in Big-Endian format. depending on config, It can also be Little Endian But I will know about endianness beforehand on client side.
How can I convert first 4 bytes of this char*
array or QByteArray
to 32 bit unsigned int ?
After reading the frame I will need to send message in same format. So If I have message of length 20 bytes, How can I write 20 as 32 bit unsigned int to QByteArray or char* in Big/Little endian format ?
the way to do is:
bytearray -> stream ->setorder -> serialize to variable
QByteArray newData = ....;
QDataStream stream(newData);
stream.setByteOrder(QDataStream::LittleEndian); // or BigEndian
stream >> variable;