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parseInt nor parseFloat nor string coercion nor Number() converting string to number

I have a set of strings in my dom with the same class. I need to convert the strings to numbers and then perform a cacluation on them and return them to the screen. I have used parseInt, parseFloat, Number() and even coercion using +variable; without any converson. I show typeof as "string" in every case. I am unsure what I am doing wrong. Can someone please help me find what I am missing? Here s my html:

<div class="price">
  <span class="label">from</span>
  <span class="value">
    <span class="text-lg lh1em item "> $3,845.00</span>
  <span class="value">
    <span class="text-lg lh1em item "> $3,645.00</span>

and my Javascript is as follows:

let customPrice = document.getElementsByClassName('lh1em');

Array.from(customPrice).forEach(function(dollarAmount) {
    let withoutDollar = dollarAmount.innerText.substr(1); 
    let withoutComa = withoutDollar.replace(",",'');
    // parseFloat(withoutComa);
    let noPointZero = withoutComa.replace(/\.00/, '');
     // noPointZero * 1;
    // parseInt(noPointZero);
    console.log(typeof noPointZero);

Without the typeof, I get the correct number value as a string. How can I force this to be a number? Thank you.


  • You have a space at the beginning of the text. So substr(1) is removing the space, not the $. Use trim() to remove surrounding whitespace.

    You also need to assign the result of Number() at the end. It's just like all your other fixups -- it returns a new value, it doesn't modify the value in place.

    To replace commas you need to use a regular expression with the g modifier. Replacing a string only replaces the first occurrence.

    Array.from(customPrice).forEach(function(dollarAmount) {
        let withoutDollar = dollarAmount.innerText.trim().replace(/^\$/, '');
        let withoutComa = withoutDollar.replace(/,/g,'');
        // parseFloat(withoutComa);
        let noPointZero = withoutComa.replace(/\.00$/, '');
         // noPointZero * 1;
        // parseInt(noPointZero);
        let numeric = Number(noPointZero);
        console.log(typeof numeric);