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How to add dropdown to react-table on click of icon

I am using react table 7.0 , How can i add and iconColumn , and on click of that , need to show an dropdown.

        Header: "",
        accessor: "actionColumn",
        disableSortBy: true,
        Cell: ({ original }) => (
            <div className="cursor__pointer ">
                <Icon className="padding5" iconName="RemoveLink" aria-hidden="true" />

I am able to render an icon on the column like above. How can i render a dropdown on click of it ?


  • Here's an example, how to do this with this simple @trendmicro-frontend/react-dropdown library:

            Header: "",
            accessor: "actionColumn",
            disableSortBy: true,
            Cell: ({ original }) => (
                <div className="cursor__pointer ">
                      onSelect={(eventKey) => {
                    <Dropdown.Toggle btnStyle="link" noCaret
                      <Icon className="padding5" iconName="RemoveLink" aria-hidden="true" />
                      <MenuItem header>Header</MenuItem>
                      <MenuItem eventKey={1}>link</MenuItem>
                      <MenuItem divider />
                      <MenuItem header>Header</MenuItem>
                      <MenuItem eventKey={2}>link</MenuItem>

    A working example here: