I am currently trying to use a JUnit test for my main method for the mastermind game. My input file contains an input with an illegal length for the input and I expect my main method to throw an exception somewhere down the line. How do I check that the exception is thrown during the execution of my main method? I have been trying to use the following code for this problem:
void testPlayErrors2() throws FileNotFoundException {
String[] args= null;
final InputStream original=System.in;
final InputStream fileIn= new FileInputStream(
new File("playTest.txt"));
() -> (Mastermind.main(args)),
"Expected Mastermind.main() to throw MastermindIllegalLengthException, but it didn't"
I get compilation errors on my use of assertthrows. I know exactly the line in my text file where the exception should be thrown so I would also be okay with being able to keep track of the input stream as in giving it one line at a time and then catching the exception where I expect it but I do not know how to do this.
You have to remove the parentheses from Mastermind.main(args):
() -> Mastermind.main(args),
"Expected Mastermind.main() to throw MastermindIllegalLengthException, but it didn't"
I would also remove the message and use the standard error message of JUnit:
() -> Mastermind.main(args)