I've got a simple div box here:
<div id="tile">foo</div>
I want it to smoothly slide in from the (outside) left of the browser, right into the viewable area. While it slides in, I also want the div to flip once around its own axis.
To accomplish that, I did the following:
First, I set the div to be "outside" of the viewable area via css:
position: absolute;
left: -500px;
width: 162px;
height: 162px;
Then, when the website loads, I apply the slide effect:
function slide(){
$("#tile").animate({"left": "+=500px"}, 600);
Now, this works perfectly.
To apply the flip effect, I used this flip plugin for jquery: http://lab.smashup.it/flip
To flip, I do the following:
function flip(){
var c = $("#tile").html();
This effect alone works great too.
BUT, if I COMBINE both, it won't work.
The result is that the div element gets flipped first and then jumps (no slide effect) to its end position.
Any solution to this?
As explained in this post dequeue()
needs to be used like this:
var title = $("#tile");
var content = title.html();
var slideOps = {"left": "+=500px"};
var flipOps = { direction: "lr", content: content };
title.animate(slideOps, 600).dequeue().flip(flipOps);
Thanks to allanx2000 for pointing to the other post on Stackoverflow!