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How to clear the 'memo' or better understand scoping in R with memoised recursive functions using superassignment "<<-"

I was following along with a dynamic programming tutorial and trying to adapt their code for R. A solution I see in lots of posts for memoization in R starts by creating a local environment in which the memo object is created. That memo object doesn't get 'cleared' between calls to the function. For some common uses I could see how that would actually be a benefit-- if the calculations you're asking the function to make are basically 'fixed', then why do them multiple times in a session? But for this instance, it's a problem.

This recursive function takes a target integer and a list of integers, and returns 'TRUE' if any combination of the list (with replacement) can sum to the target, otherwise 'FALSE'.

cS <- function(targetSum, numbers){

  if(targetSum < 0){ return(FALSE) }
  if(targetSum == 0){ return(TRUE) }
  remainder <- list()

  for(i in 1:length(numbers)){
    remainder[i] = targetSum - numbers[i]
    if(cS(remainder[[i]], numbers) == TRUE){ return(TRUE) }



cS(7, c(2,3)) # TRUE
cS(7, c(5,3,4,7)) # TRUE
cS(7, c(2,4)) # FALSE

And my attempt to memoise it:

cSm <- local({

  key <- list()

  function(targetSum, numbers){

    valueName <- as.character(targetSum)
    if(!is.null(key[[valueName]])){ return(key[[valueName]]) }
    if(targetSum < 0){ return(FALSE) }
    if(targetSum == 0){ return(TRUE) }

    remainder <- list()
    for(i in 1:length(numbers)){
      remainder[i] = targetSum - numbers[i]
      # browser()
      if(Recall(remainder[[i]], numbers) == TRUE){ 
        valueName <- as.character(remainder[[i]])
        key[[valueName]] <<- TRUE

    key[[valueName]] <<- FALSE
    # print(key)


cSm(7, c(2,3)) # TRUE
cSm(7, c(5,3,4,7)) # TRUE
cSm(7, c(2,4)) # expected FALSE, returns TRUE

>get("key", environment(cSm)) # there are 'leftovers' from prior calls


[1] TRUE

[1] TRUE

[1] TRUE


[1] TRUE

Why doesn't key <- list() on the first line within local() wipe the slate clean each time the function is called? If I make key <- NULL in the environment of the function between each call to cSm, it works as expected, but I'd like to do better.

>assign("key", NULL, envir = environment(cSm))
>get("key", envir = environment(cSm))


>cSm(7, c(2,4)) # FALSE


>get("key", envir = environment(cSm))





Is there an easy solution I don't see? Should I try to avoid using <<- ? What are my options?


  • Try running the recursion within csm:

    cSm <- function(targetSum, numbers){
      key <- list()
      recurser <- function(targetSum,numbers) {
        valueName <- as.character(targetSum)
        if(!is.null(key[[valueName]])){ return(key[[valueName]]) }
        if(targetSum < 0){ return(FALSE) }
        if(targetSum == 0){ return(TRUE) }
        remainder <- list()
        for(i in 1:length(numbers)){
          remainder[i] = targetSum - numbers[i]
          # browser()
          if(Recall(remainder[[i]], numbers) == TRUE){ 
            valueName <- as.character(remainder[[i]])
            key[[valueName]] <<- TRUE
        key[[valueName]] <<- FALSE
        # print(key)
      recurser(targetSum, numbers)
    cSm(7, c(2,3)) # TRUE
    cSm(7, c(5,3,4,7)) # TRUE
    cSm(7, c(2,4)) # FALSE