I'm following Google's RTDNs guide on enabling Real-Time Developer Notifications. I've successfully created the topic and subscription and have received the push notifications sent to the API that I have created. I would now like to authenticate and validate these messages. For that, I'm following this guide on Authentication and Authorization. Their developer documentation here and here has a seemingly useful example.
After following the resources outlined above, I get the following error:
Error: No pem found for envelope: {"typ":"JWT","alg":"HS256"}
const authClient = new OAuth2Client();
// ...
app.post('/pubsub/authenticated-push', jsonBodyParser, async (req, res) => {
// Verify that the push request originates from Cloud Pub/Sub.
try {
// Get the Cloud Pub/Sub-generated JWT in the "Authorization" header.
const bearer = req.header('Authorization');
const [, token] = bearer.match(/Bearer (.*)/);
// Verify and decode the JWT.
// Note: For high volume push requests, it would save some network
// overhead if you verify the tokens offline by decoding them using
// Google's Public Cert; caching already seen tokens works best when
// a large volume of messages have prompted a single push server to
// handle them, in which case they would all share the same token for
// a limited time window.
// verifyIdToken is failing here with the `No pem found for envelope` error
const ticket = await authClient.verifyIdToken({
idToken: token,
audience: 'example.com',
// ...
} catch (e) {
res.status(400).send('Invalid token');
From this, I'm assuming I need to have some public key.
I was able to find the source of this error in their code here:
if (!Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(certs, envelope.kid)) {
// If this is not present, then there's no reason to attempt verification
throw new Error('No pem found for envelope: ' + JSON.stringify(envelope));
However, I've verified that the kid
attribute does indeed exist in the decoded object:
Turns out the kid
was invalid and therefore threw the No pem found for envelope
error. Once a valid kid
was supplied, the error no longer persisted.