Student here:
I would like a way to create a string holding the current date/time of the build, that I can output to the console. I have a consolOut that outputs strings character by character(string ending in a null), but I don't know how to actually use the @date @time macro that is listed in my book as a "Symbol" and outputting a string during assembly time.
If I put them in quotes it'll output '@date' with no change. If I don't put it in quotes it will not build.
Do I somehow call them at runtime then store them in .data with a mov? how would I even interact with them, they seem bigger than my eax?
(This isn't required on my homework- I just like having nice headers.)
NULL EQU 0 ;constants(ascii): null == 0
LF EQU 0Ah ;linefeed == LF
CR EQU 0Dh ;carrage return == CR
header byte '<myname> CS 340 ASSEMBLY '
byte @date, ' '
byte @time
byte LF, CR, NULL
lea esi, header
call consolOut ;arguments: esi as string ending in 0
printHEADER endP
It's possible that something already exists for handling this in MASM itself or one of MASM32's libraries. But I couldn't find it, so I put together a simple solution of my own:
include \masm32\include\
NULL EQU 0 ;constants(ascii): null == 0
LF EQU 0Ah ;linefeed == LF
CR EQU 0Dh ;carrage return == CR
; Stringifies a text macro.
; Expands into a quoted expansion of arg.
stringify MACRO arg
foo CATSTR <'>,arg,<'>
header byte '<myname> CS 340 ASSEMBLY '
byte stringify(@Date), ' '
byte stringify(@Time)
byte CR, LF, NULL
printf("%s", OFFSET header)
invoke ExitProcess,0
end start