The real file I read is about 15.000 kBs. Thus I am not sure whether this is the best way of storing such a data structure.
Here is the code.
string line;
ifstream File;
vector<vector<string>> v;
string filename = "meddra.txt";;
if (File.is_open()) {
while (getline(File, line)) {
stringstream ss(line);
vector<string> row;
while (getline(ss, line, ',')) {
And here is sample text file:
CID100000085,CID000010917,C0000729,Abdominal cramps CID100000085,CID000010917,C0000737,Abdominal pain CID100000085,CID000010917,C0002418,Amblyopia CID100000085,CID000010917,C0002871,Anaemia CID100000085,CID000010917,C0003123,Anorexia
Thank you for contribution.
You are modifying an empty vector
vector<vector<string>> v;
Instead you should do v.push_back
with a vector<string>