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TypeORM: How to add COUNT field when using getMany()

I have a scenario where I need to return some nested relational data as well as execute a COUNT on another relationship. As an example, I want to return Blogs with the array of Authors for the blog, and a COUNT of articles the blog contains:

    id: 1,
    name: 'Blog 1',
    authors: [
        id: 1,
        name: 'Author 1',
        id: 2,
        name: 'Author 2',
    articleCount: 5,
    id: 2,
    name: 'Blog 2',
    authors: [
        id: 2,
        name: 'Author 2',
        id: 3,
        name: 'Author 3',
    articleCount: 2,

I cannot seem to map the articleCount using getMany(), and getRaw() will not nest the authors.

Is there a way to map the articleCount in the above, or possibly use getRawMany to nest the authors?

Example Entity:

interface Blog {
  id: string;
  name: string;
  authors: Author[];
  articles: Article[];
  articleCount?: number; // field is not mapped to db column


const results = await repository.createQueryBuilder('blog')
  .addSelect('COUNT(', 'blog_articleCount') // trying to map this to the entity
  .leftJoin('blog.authors', 'author')
  .leftJoin('blog.articles', 'article')


SELECT "blog"."id" AS "blog_id",
    "blog"."name" AS "blog_name",
    "author"."id" AS "author_id",
    "author"."name" AS "author_name",
    COUNT("article"."id") AS "blog_articleCount"
FROM "blogs" "blog"
LEFT JOIN "blog__authors" "blog_author" ON "blog_author"."blogsId" = "blog"."id"
LEFT JOIN "authors" "author" ON "author"."id" = "blog_author"."authorsId"
LEFT JOIN "articles" "article" ON "article"."blog_id" = "blog"."id"
GROUP BY "blog"."id",


  • You can use the .loadRelationCountAndMap query method to count elements from your relation.

    Here is an example to count articles for each users using the TypeOrm QueryBuilder:

    async findUsers(): Promise<UsersEntity[]> {
        return this.createQueryBuilder('user')
          .leftJoin('user.articles', 'articles')
          .loadRelationCountAndMap('user.articlesCount', 'user.articles')

    You can also do the same for a specific user:

    async findUserById(id): Promise<UsersEntity> {
        return this.createQueryBuilder('user')
          .where('', { id })
          .leftJoin('user.articles', 'articles')
          .loadRelationCountAndMap('user.articlesCount', 'user.articles')