I'm trying to create a system within a VBA textbox that modifies the input.
Textboxes along with other options are in frames that can be opened and closed. Done to keep the form readable for other people.
I know it can be done by editing the string solely in code (and have done that to keep working on the project) but I want people to see the edits the code makes.
These updates are inconsistent. I have two textboxes that edit themselves with identical lines of code and they are both set to update themselves once the textbox has been exited. One only updates if something within the frame that it is in gets clicked on again and the other doesn't update at all whether clicking within its frame or outside.
Ideally the moment a textbox gets edited and something else gets clicked on the textbox updates.
Only updates itself if something else like another checkbox in the frame is clicked or selected and it will also then work when clicking outside of the frame. Does anyone know why?
Code for both
Private Sub Pathbox_Change()
End Sub
Private Sub Pathbox_Exit(ByVal Cancel As MSForms.ReturnBoolean)
Dim sDir As String
sDir = S5Int.Pathbox.Text
If Right(sDir, 1) <> "\" Then
S5Int.Pathbox.Text = sDir & "\"
End If
End Sub
The same code for both except the name of the procedure. Frames are also same except for their names. In the form they look something like this:
Found a solution last week;
I have just put the trigger of updating on the form itself whenever the form itself is clicked it runs through checks to see what needs to be updated and updates; Its a bit crude but it works quite well. This solution wont work if something else other than the form is clicked but that didnt work either for Textbox1_Exit(etc). Since it only updates the form when the form is in the forefront.
It is Also a bit wasteful of cycles as it runs every single time anything on the form is clicked too but as long as the checks are efficient it should be good enough.
I will keep working on a better solution however when I have time, maybe see if I can get exiting from the frame working like FaneDuru said but something else on the form seems to be blocking that solution for now.