I am trying to show a scrollview in which every cell has 3 picker text field. However, only the last cell has a working picker text field that is tappable.
When I check BasketListCell preview it is just like I wanted. All the pickers are working well with placeholders. But in scrollview it does not.
I have 3 different listData in BasketList but ShoppingCartView repeats the first one 3 times.
so this is my cell struct Basket that has 3 Int for each picker text field.
struct Basket: Identifiable {
var id: Int {
return elementID
var elementID: Int
var image: String
var title: String
var brand: String
var price: String
var selectionImage: String
var discountedPrice: String
var sizeSelectedIndex: Int?
var colorSelectedIndex: Int?
var itemSelectedIndex : Int?
That is my demo BasketList with 3 elements.
struct BasketList {
static let listData: [Basket] = [
Basket(elementID: 0, image: "Tee", title: "3-Stripes Shirt", brand: "Adidas Original", price: "$79.40", selectionImage: "checkmark", discountedPrice: "$48.99", sizeSelectedIndex: 0, colorSelectedIndex: 0, itemSelectedIndex: 0),
Basket(elementID: 0, image: "Blouse", title: "Tuxedo Blouse", brand: "Lost Ink", price: "$50.00", selectionImage: "checkmark", discountedPrice: "$34.90", sizeSelectedIndex: 0, colorSelectedIndex: 0, itemSelectedIndex: 0),
Basket(elementID: 0, image: "Tee", title: "Linear Near Tee", brand: "Converse", price: "$28.50", selectionImage: "checkmark", discountedPrice: "$19.99", sizeSelectedIndex: 0, colorSelectedIndex: 0, itemSelectedIndex: 0)
That is my BasketCell
struct BasketListCell: View {
@State var isSelected: Bool = false
@State private var itemSelectedIndex : Int?
@State private var sizeSelectedIndex : Int?
@State private var colorSelectedIndex: Int?
var colors = ["Black", "Green", "Red", "Blue"]
var sizes = ["XS", "S", "M", "L", "XL", "XXL"]
var items = ["1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6"]
var item: Basket
var body: some View {
HStack(spacing: 20) {
ZStack {
PickerTextField(data: sizes, placeHolder: "Size", lastSelectedIndex: self.$sizeSelectedIndex)
Image(systemName: "chevron.down")
.frame(width: UIScreen.main.bounds.width / (375/100), height: 44, alignment: .center)
PickerTextField(data: colors, placeHolder: "Color", lastSelectedIndex: self.$colorSelectedIndex)
Image(systemName: "chevron.down")
.frame(width: UIScreen.main.bounds.width / (375/100), height: 44, alignment: .center)
ZStack {
PickerTextField(data: items, placeHolder: "Item", lastSelectedIndex: self.$itemSelectedIndex)
Image(systemName: "chevron.down")
.frame(width: UIScreen.main.bounds.width / (375/100), height: 44, alignment: .center)
and finally, this is my ShoppingCartView
struct ShoppingCartView: View {
@State var selectedProduct = Basket(elementID: 0, image: "", title: "", brand: "", price: "", selectionImage: "", discountedPrice: "", sizeSelectedIndex: 0, colorSelectedIndex: 0, itemSelectedIndex: 0)
@State var shown: Bool = false
var body: some View {
ZStack {
VStack {
NavigationView {
ScrollView(.vertical, showsIndicators: false) {
VStack(spacing: 20) {
ForEach(BasketList.listData) { item in
BasketListCell(item: item)
.onTapGesture {
self.shown = true
self.selectedProduct = item
You can understand clearly my problem if you check those images better.
This is BasketListCell preview
That is my ShoppingCartView
attribute of your Model class Basket
needs to be unique. You currently have 3 Basket
objects all with duplicate identifier
, causing swiftUI to read first object every time. Changing it to some unique values should fix the problem.
struct BasketList {
static let listData: [Basket] = [
Basket(elementID: 0, image: "Tee", title: "3-Stripes Shirt", brand: "Adidas Original", price: "$79.40", selectionImage: "checkmark", discountedPrice: "$48.99", sizeSelectedIndex: 0, colorSelectedIndex: 0, itemSelectedIndex: 0),
Basket(elementID: 0, image: "Blouse", title: "Tuxedo Blouse", brand: "Lost Ink", price: "$50.00", selectionImage: "checkmark", discountedPrice: "$34.90", sizeSelectedIndex: 0, colorSelectedIndex: 0, itemSelectedIndex: 0),
Basket(elementID: 0, image: "Tee", title: "Linear Near Tee", brand: "Converse", price: "$28.50", selectionImage: "checkmark", discountedPrice: "$19.99", sizeSelectedIndex: 0, colorSelectedIndex: 0, itemSelectedIndex: 0)
struct BasketList {
static let listData: [Basket] = [
Basket(elementID: 1, image: "Tee", title: "3-Stripes Shirt", brand: "Adidas Original", price: "$79.40", selectionImage: "checkmark", discountedPrice: "$48.99", sizeSelectedIndex: 0, colorSelectedIndex: 0, itemSelectedIndex: 0),
Basket(elementID: 2, image: "Blouse", title: "Tuxedo Blouse", brand: "Lost Ink", price: "$50.00", selectionImage: "checkmark", discountedPrice: "$34.90", sizeSelectedIndex: 0, colorSelectedIndex: 0, itemSelectedIndex: 0),
Basket(elementID: 3, image: "Tee", title: "Linear Near Tee", brand: "Converse", price: "$28.50", selectionImage: "checkmark", discountedPrice: "$19.99", sizeSelectedIndex: 0, colorSelectedIndex: 0, itemSelectedIndex: 0)