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Get URL from Open dialog of standard Swift document-based application

I am trying to extract the URL of the document a user has selected in the default "Open" dialogue of my document based macOS application. I understand, a fileWrapper is passed to the init method but is there a way of extracting the path/URL from said wrapper?




  • DocumentGroup just needs a binding to the document to initialize the ContentView with, so have a func on the document grab the url & return the binding:


    import SwiftUI
    struct FileOpenApp: App {
        var body: some Scene {
            DocumentGroup(newDocument: FileOpenDocument()) { file in
                ContentView(document: file.document.setSourceURL(file))


    struct FileOpenDocument: FileDocument {
        var sourceURL: URL?
        init() {
        // needs to be mutating to avoid "self is immutable" error
        mutating func setSourceURL(_ config: FileDocumentConfiguration< FileOpenDocument >) -> Binding<FileOpenDocument> {
            sourceURL = config.fileURL
            return config.$document