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Download Google Sheet data as JSON from browser through custom menu

Is there a way to download JSON directly from a Google Sheet, like this: enter image description here

I want to create a custom menu with an App Script. There would be a button that would create the JSON object from the sheet data and when it is finished it would download it immediately as a file. So there is no GDrive or other apps involved, just a Google Sheet and an App Script.

Is this somehow possible to do? I could not find anything like this.


  • I believe your goal as follow.

    • You want to run the script from the custom menu.
    • You want to download the active sheet as a file including a JSON data.
    • The sample JSON data is as follows.
      • [{"a1": "a2", "b1": "b2"},{"a1": "a3", "b1": "b3"},,,]

    In this case, in order to download a file, it is required to use Javascript. For this, in this answer, a dialog is used. So the flow of this sample script is as follows.

    1. Run the script from the custom menu.
    2. A dialog is opened.
    3. Javascript is run on the dialog, and the file is downloaded.
    4. The dialog is closed.

    When above flow is reflected to a script, it becomes as follows.

    Sample script:

    Please copy and paste the following script to the script editor and run onOpen or reopen the Spreadsheet. By this, the custom menu is created.

    Google Apps Script side:

    Please copy and paste the following script to the script editor as the Google Apps Script.

    function onOpen() {
      SpreadsheetApp.getUi().createMenu('Custom Menu').addItem('Export to JSON', 'download').addToUi();
    function download() {
      const html = HtmlService.createHtmlOutputFromFile("index");
      SpreadsheetApp.getUi().showModalDialog(html, "sample");
    function downloadFile() {
      const sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getActiveSheet();
      const [header, ...values] = sheet.getDataRange().getValues();
      const obj = => r.reduce((o, c, j) => Object.assign(o, {[header[j]]: c}), {}));
      const filename = `${sheet.getSheetName()}.txt`;
      const blob = Utilities.newBlob(JSON.stringify(obj), MimeType.PLAIN_TEXT, filename);
      return {data: `data:${MimeType.PLAIN_TEXT};base64,${Utilities.base64Encode(blob.getBytes())}`, filename: filename};

    HTML&Javascript side: index.html

    Please copy and paste the following script to the script editor as the HTML.

      .withSuccessHandler(({ data, filename }) => {
        if (data && filename) {
          const a = document.createElement("a");
 = filename;
          a.href = data;
